chapter 7

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He is wearing a plain white shirt with his khaki short but when I saw his expensive shoes I was shock. It contradicts my theory,  that there are two versions of him.  The rude rich boy and the soft one,  which I'm quite confused actually.

I was out of breathe to answer his question so I stay blank for a minute. his brows are linked in confusion and I don't know why I found it funny. when he walks near me I wasn't out of breath because I can't  breathe!

He's close to me and it gives off a manly scent, that I wished I can sniff for long.

I'm really sure my face is red right now so I chose to look away, avoiding his intense look. He offer his other hand to me so that urge me to look back.

When I slowly looks at his blue eyes it drives me back to my dream, where I first saw him. The way I imagine such things and how I like him there. It's quite the opposite in the real life.

He holds my hand and put something in there, some kind of electricity finds my skin and It was ticklish. And I hate the fact that it 'makes me blush even more!

When I open my hand where he put something just a minute ago, it was my missing phone. Well atleast he's not some thief in real life, I'm a little flattered.

" How did you - "

" Oh, that's how you say thank you, then welcome. "

" I didn't mean it like that. "

I said with my gritted teeth though what I'm feeling is the opposite, I'm melting. And I just want 'him to go away because in a few minutes he can break this cold heart of mine.

" How did you find me, that's what I suppose to said, but you didn't let me finish. "

I clearly said, challenging him to make a battle here if he don't stop. His face never change like how it 'is earlier. Blank huh.

" My father is the owner of this hospital, and coincidentally I just saw at a form that you're here. "

Oh, if his father owned this hospital,  then his family must've come from a family of doctors. I suppose that's what he's planning to take too.

" And I wanted to give you back, well, your phone. "

" To avoid misunderstanding, I only come here to give back your 'phone "

He did not let me finish and he seems nervous when he brings up that misunderstanding topic, I'm not thinking the other way, mister.

" Well thank you, but why do you ask if I'm doing fine earlier? "

" Wait, wait, wait you have a crush on me, too bad I don't - "

I give him my playful smile to tease him more, but he looks like he's ready to punch me any minute. He just gives back a playful smirk like what I'm doing right now.

" Don't expect too high that it's even taller than your height! "

" Wow, you're not even tall. "

I lied and pretend I'm furious and mad, though he won't even notice it like that. He turned back and head to the door without even waving goodbye. Sensitive to his height?

Just when he leaves Auntie open the door and gave an apologetic smile, and I'm glad she won't scold me right now.

I just remember now that I'm waiting for auntie to come here to ask her about my phone, and that I forget it was missing earlier, but thanks to achilles it came back.

I didn't ask his name and he didn't do that either, will it be strange if I'm the first one who do that? But whatever right? why would I even care about his name, I only 'dreamed about him.

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