Chapter 17 - Just Trust Me

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"Why am I running away? Why the hell am I running away?" you whispered to yourself. 

You began running down the street just as you heard shouto yell for you,  

It was obvious why you were running, in truth, you were terrified of what Shoto was about to reply, terrified that he would agree with you and call his father and you would have the only person that you'd grown to love taken away from you because he decided someone else would be better for you. 

The realization also hit you that maybe you had been in love with him as well, you'd never shown interest in any boy or girl your whole life, you told yourself it was because you were engaged but, you couldn't ignore the constant thoughts flying around your head going a mile a minute and the heartache you would feel when you couldn't see him.

After half an hour of running in the conveniently placed rain, you managed to find a cab that was parked in the street, you ran up and got inside. 

"Can you take me to this address please?" you asked the bored-looking driver while holding up your phone, he shrugged and took your phone to input the address into his car navigation. 

After another hour of being in the cab and trying to steady your breathing, you finally pulled up to the security gate where you flashed your identification card, and the security guard granted access. 

You paid the driver what was owed as you stepped out into the heavy rain and ran up to the door, knocking frantically until the porch light turned on.

Your father opened the door with a tired look in his eyes, which turned to worry after he saw you standing there, "Y/n, why are you? How are you?" he questioned frantically.

Not wanting to get into the gory details of the fresh event in your mind, your eyes began to fill with tears, "Shoto and I had a fight and um- I didn't want to see the end of it and I just- can I stay here for the night and wash my uniform, please?" you begged.

He sighed heavily, "Of course, but do we need to talk about this?"

You shook your head, "Not now, just trust me to figure this out" you answered.

He just nodded, so you walked past him into your childhood home, before walking up the large wooden staircase and into your room.

You grabbed the pair of pajamas you had brought with you and some undergarments from the ones you kept in your room, and changed out of your wet uniform, before throwing them into the wash for tomorrow.

Just as you had settled into your bed, being silently thankful your father had kept your room as you left it, a text came from your phone, "please come back, y/n." it read, but you ignored it, knowing your emotions were too jumbled and your head was too clouded to deal with it now.

During the night, sleep was no longer an option after what you had just been through, so you engaged in a depressing and tortuous cycle of tossing and turning as tears ran down your face uncontrollably.

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