Theres only 'Juan' Mata..

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Chapter 1-

"Wake up Lauryn you've got the match to come and watch today!" Juan whispered in my ear bent down besides where I was lying in my bed, Juan always liked me to come and watch his matches as he had no one else that wold go to watch him because his family is always too busy.

"I'm awake" I mumbled rubbing my eyes with my fists and blinking a few times to wake myself up, I glanced at the clock and it was 7:30am no wonder I was still shattered! I would go to almost every game to watch Juan play, we were so close it was unreal and we weren't even in a relationship. We have little things now and then but they wear off and don't get anywhere like I would like them to..

"Don't come then if you don't want to" Juan sighed walking into the bathroom for a quick shave to shave off his stubble and to fix his hair, I rolled my eyes and swung my legs out of bed sliding in front of the mirror to do my hair and make up which took my a good hour and half.

"Of course I'm coming Juan, I wouldn't miss a match for the world and you know that" I called after him, he didn't reply so he obviously went into one of his little morning mood swings and when he's like that its best just to leave him alone otherwise he'll bite your head straight off.

I applied some foundation rubbing it in properly so I wasn't patchy or anything like most girls nowadays that make themselves look like an Oompa Loompa off Charlie and the chocolate factory. I applied some eyeliner trying not to poke myself in the eye which I do a lot then to finish off a bit of mascara to make my eyelashes stand out a little. I brushed my face with some powder and added a little bit of lip gloss so my lips didn't look weird because of the foundation around them. I straightened my hair thoroughly and added a little bit of hairspray so it stayed straight all day, I pulled out a denim shirt, a vest, shorts and some nike blazers slipping them all on carefully trying not to destroy my hair as I put on my vest.

Juan came sulking into the room, I just ignored him and sighed playing on my phone.

"I'm sorry" Juan sighed sitting next to me, I looked at him and smiled but didn't say anything.

"Do you accept it?" Juan asked, I couldn't ignore him any longer he was just too cute to do so!

"No.." I said looking as serious as I could, Juan looked abit upset so I started laughing as I was only having a laugh with him! What was he even saying sorry for? He was so cute though, I kind of have a tiny crush on him and I regret saying every word of that as we're as close as two peas in a pod.

"Of course I do!" I grinned kissing him on the cheek as he gave me a little squeeze around the waist sending butterflies through my body which was a feeling I hadn't felt towards Juan in a long time, maybe I did like Juan, you can't help who you fall for though right?

"Hope our match is alright today..quite nervous to be honest, Manchester United..well you know what they're like" he sighed twirling his thumbs around each other and that's when you can tell if he's nervous, he goes quiet as well bless him. Why am I finding everything about him so cute lately? I've never felt like this before towards him..yeah I've liked him and that but not this much before.

"Don't let anyone get to you okay Juan? I mean it aswell...tell the likes of Van Persie, Wayne Rooney and all them where to go if they say something to you okay? Go out there thinking positive and everything will go fine i promise, just play your best and it'll be fine no matter what happens!" I smiled at him giving him a little confidence boost. Juan was always like this when it came to the likes of Manchester United because let's just say the games aren't always fair, well that's what it feels like anyway the majority of the time.

"Thankyou Lauryn, it means a lot! What would I do without you though? My girl.." He smiled kissing me on the forehead gently, I think he realised what he said and put his hand over his face cringing a little at what he just said. I smiled at him liking how he called me his girl, he was obviously thinking about something to make him come out with that so he must like me then mustn't he? But I can't really think like that because it makes me sound like a right snob to be honest.

"Awh Juan, I love you, my big baby" I grinned resting my head on his shoulder, I was gonna say my little baby but I couldn't because he's one year and a half older than me unfortunately.

It was 9:00pm and we had to be at the stadium for 12 for a quick few hours training before the match but Juan, Eden, Oscar and Fernando all liked going there a few hours earlier because they liked to have a walk around and meet fans etc which I found so nice of them all giving up their free time to go and meet fans around the stadium that have only thought they'd meet them in their dreams!

We jumped into Juan's car and headed for the Bridge which was a 15 minute drive from mine and Juan's house. We were behind Fernando, his two kids and his wife which was weird because we were going to the exact same place aswell. Fernando's kids, Leo and Nora, were the most beautiful kids in the planet seriously they were adorable.

Theres only Juan Mata..Where stories live. Discover now