Chapter 5

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Jessica's pov.

The first rays of sunlight lit up my room and cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. The warmth of the golden fingers heated my bones and I furrowed into my sheets and pulled my comforter to my nose. Rubbing the sleep of my eyes, I got up and stretched my lazy body.  Pulling my body to the bathroom, I tied my hair in a messy bun and did my business. 

After a smoothing shower with my favorite lavender body wash, I got dressed blue jeans and white knitted sweater. I headed down for breakfast and I met Jule coming from the 'forbidden floor'. 

"Good morning, Jess. I hope you slept well." Jule greeted me with a cheerful grin. "Morning Jule. I haven't seen much of you yesterday." I said. "Sorry about that, I was kinda busy with the some clients. But today I'll be spending some time with. Lets get to breakfast shall we." 

As I entered the kitchen, I was welcomed by my favorite brother, Jason. He had his eyes glued to his phone and was typing  vigorously. "Morning Jase, where are the girls." Jule questioned while making himself coffee. "Jazz had got emergency from the hospital and Joy is at the gym." He replied, his eyes still transfixed on his phone. 

I made myself breakfast and ate quietly. "So what are your plans for today, Jase."  Jule asked him sipping his coffee. "I'm going over to visit Luke." Jase replied simultaneously typing actively on his phone. "Jason, put that phone of yours and look at me when you speak." Jule's harsh tone made shivers run down my spine. Remind me never to get on his bad side.

"What do you what Julian." Jase asked sharply but still placed his phone down. "Come home early, we'll be going out." Jule replied calmly, talk about being bipolar. "Okay. Jess good to see you." His voice carried thick sarcasm. "I can say the same." I replied matching his tone, why does he hate me so much. Jule laughed lightly shaking his head. I finished my cereals and placed my bowl in the dish washer. 

"Jess, Jazz said that she gave a tour of the house. But there is one place I would like to show you personally." Jule said with a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Okay. Where is it." I asked excited. "Patience tiger, you'll find out soon." He replied cheerfully. "Did Jazz show you the tree in the garden." Jase's sharp voice asked. "There were lots of trees in the here, which one are you asking." I asked innocently. Joy was right, pulling Jase's leg was very fun. Jase rolled his eyes, "the cherry tree in the garden, and don't ask which cherry tree, there is only one." He said clearly annoyed.

"Yes she did." I replied. He simply nodded and left the kitchen. "Come on Jess, let's go." Jule said placing his cup in the sink and pulling me by my arm, I laughed and followed. He led my outside and took my to the back of the house. The sun shone brightly and the autumn wind was ruffling my hair. On the side of a big green circular field stood a black stable. Okay, I know my brothers were rich but this is too much. 

We went inside the stables and I spotted there horses, one was in the color of a warm brown with a smooth light mane. The other was as dark as coal and had a matching shining mane. The last was a white horse which looked like it came down from heaven. "Jess, meet my best friends." Jule said happily. Clearly the stables was his favorite place. "Wow, they all are so beautiful." My love for horses took over and I so badly wanted to pet them.

"This is Autumn." He said pointing at the chestnut horse. "Here is Jaguar and the white one is Marshmallow." He said cooing each one. "Can I touch them." I asked in a soft mesmerized voice, my blue eyes shone as brightly as diamonds. "Of course, you can pet Marshmallow, Jaguar  is a bit, uhh, rough." I nodded and went and patted Marshmallow's mane softly. I must have looked like a child seeing Santa on Christmas morning.

"Who named them, Jule." I asked still petting Marshmallow. "Well, Autumn was a pony when  she came. She was my 13th birthday. I was born in October so I named him after the season. Jaguar and Marshmallow were gifted to Jase and Joy when they turned thirteen. Jaguar is Jase's and Marshmallow is Joy's. Oh and call Marshmallow Sugar since her name is bit long." He replied feeding Autumn an apple.

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