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"Morgan, there's someone who wants to see you" JJ said, walking up to Morgan's desk where he's was finishing paperwork after their case.

"Is it Alyssa?" he hoped

"No, it's a girl about her age with blonde hair"

Derek searched his memory trying figure out who it could be. He stood up and followed JJ to the lobby where the girl sat. She was wearing ripped jeans and a grey leather jacket. She had long dark blonde hair and judging by her behavior, extremely on edge. The girl noticed the agent walking up to her and quickly rose from her plastic chair.

"Are you Agent Morgan" She asked

"Yeah, you are?" Derek replied

"I'm Anneliese, I live with Alyssa"

Derek was relieved to hear that. He was waiting to see how Alyssa was. Morgan brought Anneliese to a different room to talk to her. It was a small room, similar to an interrogation room. It contained to wooden chairs and a table that separated them. Waiting outside were the team

"Why did you come here" He asked her

"Alyssa's missing" Anna said


The girl nodded and Derek's blood pressure began to rise.

"Tell me what happened" He asked

"Alyssa's been acting weird for the past couple days and today didn't turn up to school today. We usually walk together but she said she wanted to walk alone today. But she didn't come home either or answer her cell" Anneliece explained. 

"Ok, do you know why Alyssa might have gone missing"

"No, that's why I came here"

Morgan continued to ask questions before stepping out the room to join his team.

"Alyssa's gone missing" he said to them. Rossi nodded and left the place meanwhile Derek took Anneleice home. During the car ride he found the perfect opportunity to ask her

"What happened to Alyssa a few days ago"

"What do you mean?" Anna asked confused

"Her shoulder" Derek finished

"She dislocated it, Alyssa had an accident during soccer practice a couple years ago so her shoulder has always been easily injured" The girl answered, staring out the car window.

They finally arrived at the group home. Anneliece unlocked the door with her keys that had 3 key chains on it: a pink pom pom, a picture of her and her parents in a square plastic frame and a small snow white bear. Anna turned the key and the door unlocked, she pushed it open, steeping into the house.

"Are you going back, or are you asking more questions" She asked before she closed the door

"I think I'll come by later Anneliee" Morgan told her. The girl nodded and said okay before waving as she closed the door. Morgan climbed into the car and began to drive back to the BAU when his phone rang.

"Yeah, Rossi" he answered

"We found Alyssa" he said but sounded on edge and Derek picked up on it

"What's wrong" he asked

"That's what we're trying to figure out, I think you should come see for yourself"

Morgan hung up and drove back. He arrived and made his way to the room where Alyssa was held. He stood outside where the team was gathered. Morgan looked through the window where Alyssa sat in the chair, her knees in her chest.

"What happened to her" He asked

"She's barely said a word to us. She turned up, looking for you" Prentiss said

"Maybe she'll say something to you" Hotch theorised

Morgan entered the room and sat in the chair opposite Alyssa. Alyssa didn't react, her knees were curled up and she seemed to be muttering to herself but to quiet to distinguish.

"Alyssa?" Morgan said to her softly but she didn't move, she just rocked back and forth in her chair.

"What happened" He asked but she didn't respond. He tried asking her questions but she stayed silent.

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