{3} Stare

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"Ahh it's Tzuyu...You remember my friend from the cafeteria? You talked to her. She's funny." I tried to explain.

"Oh....Yeah...What's your name though?" He asked.

"Huh? Me? I'm Y/n. Lin Y/n." I was kinda caught off guard with the question. He nodded and started scribbling again.

I was very curious what he was doing in his notebook. I mean he couldn't see what he's doing. I decided to peek at his notebook. It was a sketch of a girl. And it legit looked like an artist had made it.

"Oh my god Jimin! Did you actually draw that?!" I screamed which made him flinch and hug his notebook.

"Don't you know you shouldn't peek at other's things? It's bad manners." He said sounding quite offended.


"I'm sorry but I was curious. You were holding it for so long that-"

"That you thought I wouldn't even know if you peeked? Just because I'm blind you don't get extra privilege to sneak around." He argued.

"Woah...I didn't mean to- I mean I'm sorry."

"It's fine..." he said after a long pause not seeming too pleased with my actions.

'Urgh I'm such an idiot. I should've just asked. But why is he getting mad over such a small thing? I mean I was only praising him I didn't say anything bad...'

The day had ended and I saw Jimin so many times but couldn't talk to him. But I learnt that he's the silent type of guy. He doesn't talk to anyone. No one talks to him. It's like he's the blind guy but no one can see him. Like he's invisible. I felt wave of sympathy towards him. I know he wouldn't like it but I truly felt bad.

"I see you like Jimin a lot." Tzuyu gave a bored expression while walking down the street with me.

"What?! No! I just kinda feel bad for him." I blushed

"So you were thinking about him huh?" She turned to me with a smirk.

"I thought you were dumb enough to not know." I smiled at her.

She just pouted and walked on ahead. Her reactions are truly priceless.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? Don't miss me too much." She said patting my shoulder and fake sobbed as we reached her place.

"Stop flirting and find yourself a proper boyfriend." I joked. We waved at each other and she went inside. I left as well.

I stopped at the small store on the way and i decided to pick some stuff up for dinner as I wasn't in a mood to cook. I bought instant ramen, some drinks and a bunch of candies. I bought a chocolate bar as well to give it to Jimin and apologise again tomorrow.  Hobi wouldn't be home till late at night so I had the house to myself.

I went straight home and put all the groceries in the fridge except the noodles and one of the drinks. I quickly prepared and finished up my little meal and did all my chores.

"I'm home!" Hobi entered shouting like usual. It was already 9 pm.

"Yeah. I'm here." I replied and he came towards the kitchen following my voice.

"Eh? What's this little housewife doing?" He asked pouting like a kid.

"Cleaning your shit."

"Yah! Language! And what's that? Didn't I ask you to eat properly when I'm away?! Is ramen healthy?" He scolded.

"I have an exam tomorrow so I need to study. Also I wasn't in a mood to cook." I replied turning back at him.

"I really wish I could help you." He said sadly.

"Yah...It's okay. You work hard enough anyway."

"Just you wait Y/n. I'll make your life better!" He said trying to cheer me up and raised his fists in an adorable way.

"I'll wait." I smiled and he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"Aigoo my little sister is all grown up." I giggled at his silly words.

"You know, there's this new guy in school he joined today." I said while watching the soccer match with Hobi later that night.

"You like him?!" He said looking all worked up.

"What the hell? Why does everyone keep asking me this? Even Tzuyu said the same thing!" He giggled at my words turning his attention towards the screen.

"Anyways, this guy, he's blind." Hobi looked at me with wide eyes not expecting that.

"And he is amazing at sketching portraits!" I exclaimed.

"Just like you?" He asked but I shook my head in a no.

"No he's way better! Like an artist!" He nodded and jumped up shouting suddenly when the team he was cheering for hit a goal.

"I'll go study since you're not even listening." I got up and left.

I went inside my room, grabbed my clothes, took a quick warm shower and changed into more comfortable clothes. I was drying my hair with my towel exiting the bathroom when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked towards the window and saw a shadow disappear in seconds. I rushed to the window terrified and looked around.

'But there's no one. I must have imagined things.' I thought and went back to my business.

I was trying to study but I couldn't concentrate. I had a feeling that someone for sure was staring at me. I got up and closed the windows. Still not satisfied, I decided to call for Hobi.

"Hobi!! Can you come to my room!?" I screamed from my room. He came rushing in.

"Why what happened?" He asked worried.

"Can you stay here tonight?" I asked with puppy eyes which he can never resist.

"Ahh this kid. Still scared to sleep alone." He said making fun of me but didn't leave. He knew I never asked him to stay if I wasn't truly scared. So instead of leaving me alone again, he went and turned off the TV and cleaned up the living room.

"How long are you going to study?" Hobi asked switching his phone on.

"I'm almost done you can go to sleep if you want." I said turning back to my books.

"Okay. Good night Y/n."

"Good night Hobi."

There was a sense of relief when he was with me. Because the feeling of someone staring was completely gone. But the thought remained lingering somewhere in the back of my head.

'Was someone really there? Or was I just imagining things?'

BlindedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ