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After a long day well spent at Tzuyu's it was finally time to go back home.

"Should I drop you off with my car?" Jin asked as I was about to leave the house.

"No thanks. I can take care of myself." I replied rather harshly not being too happy about the offer. I put on my jacket and left the place quickly.

I took a nice little walk to go home. I strolled around in the streets for a while feeling reluctant to go home. But having no other destination, My feet end up dragging me back to my house.

I entered the house to find it dark and empty. I switched on the lights after taking off my shoes at the entrance. I started off with some chores and ended up being busy cleaning and dusting the house.

Not too long after, I heard the door opening and figured out Hobi was finally home. We were at the table eating in silence when it clicked my mind.

"I got something this morning. I forgot to tell you this." I said taking  out the piece of folded paper from my jeans pocket and putting it on the table before sliding it towards him. He took it in his hand and unfolded it with curious eyes.

"What the- Who the hell is this?" He asked waving the paper in front of me, fury taking over him.

"It might be that stalker. Can you sleep in my room tonight again?" I asked really freaking out by this situation.

"Okay. But why didn’t you tell me this morning. I should do something about this." He asks still frowning.

"I told you I forgot." I replied giving him an apologetic look which he can never resist.

"Fine. Be careful wherever you go and don’t forget to tell me such important things." He sighed looking back at his food.

"Yeah okay." I reply and we both ate in peace again.

I was washing the dishes while Hobi was cleaning the table when his phone began to ring. He picked it up stopping whatever he was doing and went towards the living room.

"What?!" He shouts from there which I could hear from the kitchen as our apartment is not too big like Tzuyu's.

He came running back to the kitchen. "Call Tzuyu and ask her if she can stay tonight!" He ordered while making another call.

I did as he said while he went back to the living room making another call.

"Hey." A little voice came from the other end of the call.

"Hey, can you come over tonight?" I asked.

"Why? Miss me already?" She teased.

"I showed that note to Hobi. He got mad at first and agreed to stay with me. But now he got a call and I think he needs to rush." I explained ignoring her.

"Y/n I'm so sorry. I have a few things to do at home I can't sleep over. You could come here for the night though." She suggested.

"Nah. Not happening especially when Jin is there."  I huffed.

"I know he hurt you in the past but he's still my brother you know." She said sounding a bit disappointed.

"I'm sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you." I apologised.

"Hey, it's okay. Be careful tonight." She hung up.

"What? Is she coming?" Hobi asked coming in once again.

"No she's busy." I explained.

"But I have to leave immediately. Something urgent came up." He howled.

"It's okay Hobi you should leave. I'll call you if something happens." I assured.

"Lock the doors after I leave and close all the widows. And don't go outside okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I nodded. Hobi quickly put on his coat, grabbed his phone and rushed out of the house without saying another word.

I shrugged and went on to finishing all the chores. I took a shower as usual and went to bed after checking multiple times if I had locked everything.

I was deep in my slumber when I felt my body suddenly getting heavy. Like I was being pinned on the bed. In no time I could feel a cloth on my face and there was an unfamiliar scent in it. I shoot my eyes open only to find a guy dressed in all black and wearing a mask to hide his face, holding my wrists tightly above my head with one hand and pressing the cloth down on my nose with the other.

"Don't worry baby this won't take long." He stated as I tried to fight back being absolutely terrified of the situation. The chemical slowly started to have some effect on me as I was starting to feel dizzy.

I threw my legs around in the air trying to kick the person away but failed miserably each time. He soon removed the cloth from my face intentionally keeping me half awake. But I didn't have any strength left in my body to fight him.

"Who are you?" I dared to ask in a small voice struggling to keep my eyes open as the man buried his face in my neck filling me with disgust. I moved my head the other way to get a bit away from him but he snuggled on my shoulders and started sniffing me out instead, ignoring my question.

"An outcast." He replied with a raspy voice sending chills down my spine.

I struggled to keep my eyes open any longer and decided to close them not caring of what was going to happen to me after this as I was too tired to even think.

"I'll let you rest for the night princess. I'll be back soon." I heard his last words before fully closing my eyes and felt him get away from me.

I pretended to be sleeping till he was completely out of the room. Once I made sure he wasn't there anymore, I fought the urge to go to sleep and turned to my side picking up my phone from the nightstand. I turned it on with great difficulty, my eyes squinting shut from the light being emitted by the screen.

I tried to dial Hobi's number but felt the phone leaving my palm and hitting the floor before falling asleep for real this time.

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