{14} Stay

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The next morning I opened my eyes to the sunlight directly hitting my eyes making them squint in pain.

'God what's wrong with my alarm, how long did I sleep? Hobi hasn't come yet?' I was wondering as I picked up my phone from the nightstand and turned it on to check the time.

1:14 pm? What's wrong with me? It was probably a dream because I clearly remember I dropped my phone on the floor but it was right there on the table where it should be when I woke up.

I got out of bed and headed to the living room to check if Hobi was back but the scene in front of me startled me.

Hobi, Tzuyu and Jin where sitting on the couch, the siblings trying to cheer my brother up.

"What's wrong?" I asked and their heads shot at my direction looking at me wide eyed.

"Y/n! How are you feeling now?" Hobi jumped up from the couch and rushed towards me in full speed and held my face with both hands. The other two followed him.

"Me? I-I'm fine why?" I was seriously taken aback from their actions.

"You don't remember anything?" Tzuyu asked coming forward to hold my hand.

"I told you to lock all the windows and doors why didn't you do it?!" I flinched at Hobi's sudden raise of voice.

"What do you-" I was cut off but this time by Jin.

"Last night your stalker drugged you Y/n." Jin stated making my worst nightmares come true.

'It wasn't a dream? It really happened?' I stood there dumbfounded while their eyes were on me digging through my soul for answers.

"I came back home this morning and kept ringing the doorbell but you wouldn't open. I was so worried I called Jin up and we broke into the house to find you unconscious on your bed and your phone on the floor. Don't you remember any of it?" Hobi asked holding my arms shaking me slightly.

"I...I remember. I thought this was a d-dream." I said almost collapsing right after but Hobi caught me on time. They guided me towards the couch and helped me sit down.

"Tzuyu can you go bring some water? I think she's still under the effect of the chloroform." Tzuyu rushed to the kitchen after nodding at her brother's gentle command and came right back with a glass of water. I took it from her with shaky hands almost dropping it but Jin held it for me and helped me drink from it.

I couldn't think straight. Jin helping me was the last thing on my mind. Normally, I would have been freaking out at the touch of his hands on mine. But I was too shaken up by the situation I was put into.

"Hoseok, let her stay at my place for some time. She'll be safe there and she'll have Tzuyu to distract her from all this." Jin suggested.

"I-I promise I checked multiple times if I had closed everything shut properly or not. I-I really don't know how he entered!" I almost had a panic attack, not being able to control my sobs. Hobi held me tightly in his embrace making me feel a little safer.

"It's okay. Sorry I snapped at you. I was worried." He tried to calm me down and it was kind of working.

"Go stay with Tzuyu for a few days and get your head off of these things okay? I promise I'll find that bastard and punish him for bullying my sister." He said in a funny tone as if I was a kid. He pressed his lips on my forehead and left me to go and pack up my stuff.

"Hey guess what! I can call Jimin up. We'll ask him to come by and all of us can watch a movie together and enjoy. How does that sound?" Tzuyu sat in Hobi's place, held my hand in her's and tried to cheer me up.

"Don't call him. He'll be worried." I refused not wanting to see anyone.

"Okay. And about school, they're opening up from tomorrow. But we can stay at my place until you feel better." She suggested.

"No, I think I'll go. Maybe it will distract me from what's going on right now." I refused again.

"Fine. But stick to me and don't leave my side no matter what okay?" She ordered.

"What if we have different classes?" I asked.

"I'll ask Jimin to take care of you." She said.

"Okay ma'am." We exchanged a smile. I was happy that Tzuyu had finally begun to trust Jimin.

"I'm done packing. You stay with Tzuyu for the next few days while I go catch that bastard and hang him." Hobi  growled coming back from my room, probably pissed after having to clean up the mess I made in my closet.

The next few days I stayed at Tzuyu's place. Jin didn't allow us to go to school for three days as he felt that I was still not in proper shape to go back and face people. What do you expect from a doctor anyway?

But the next day I begged him and Hobi to let me go to school because I missed Jimin and wanted to see him. We chatted all the time and for hours but I couldn't meet him for so long that my heart begins to ache when I think about him being all alone at school.

So, finally on Thursday Jin let us go to school on one condition. That I had to stick to Tzuyu no matter what and that was a piece of cake. I didn't tell Jimin that I was going to school today. I wanted to surprise him.

I walked into the school corridor with Tzuyu but Jimin was nowhere to be found.

"Strange...He must be in class already." Tzuyu said so that's what we did. We grabbed our books and stuff we needed and went to our class.

As soon as I opened the door to the class, I spotted Jimin sitting beside my desk and his head immediately darted towards us. I went towards him and he smiled.

"You finally came. I missed you." He said holding my hand once I settled in my place.

"You won't believe how annoying she is! She's been staying with me for a while and can't stop talking about you!" Tzuyu complained and successfully gained a punch in the arm by me.

His grip on my hand only tightened and he didn't say anything else. We were both happy to see each other again and realised how much we actually missed each other.

"Let's stay back at the library today. I want to be with you." He whispered sweetly in my ear.

"I can't. I have to go back home with Tzuyu. That stalker attacked me the other day. And I've been staying at Tzuyu's ever since." I explained and saw his face getting worried but then relaxing at the end of my sentence.

"Okay. I'll drop you home. You trust me right?" He smiled.

I hesitated a bit but gave in with a nod. I missed being with him.

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