{10} Note

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Back at home we started watching a horror movie sitting on the couch and cuddling with each other whenever a jump-scare showed up.

"You know. Anyone could mistake the two of you for lesbian couples!" We heard a voice from behind and turned around to find Hobi judging us from the door.

"I don't mind!" Tzuyu squealed happily hugging my arm like a kid.

"Why are you home so early?" I asked him getting out of couch to help him get rid of his leather bag and the long coat.

"I heard what happened at your school today. So I came back to check up on the two of you." He said sliding his hands in his hair and brushing them away from his face using his long fingers. I noticed how Tzuyu was fawning over my brother and that's totally creepy.

"Hobi you're so kind. My brother doesn't even care about me." She snorted.

"That's not right. He's busy and told me to check up on you. In fact he was the one who informed me about the incident." Hobi giggled.

"About that! What exactly happened?" I asked curiously handing him a bottle of cold water as he sat down on the couch next to Tzuyu.

"What? You don't even know what happened at your school?" He asked surprised.

"The teachers kicked us out of school so suddenly we didn't get the chance to ask." Tzuyu complained.

"Well, there's this girl called Jihye in your school she jumped off the rooftop." He said casually. We both looked at him shocked.

"Wait. Jihye really did that? Is she okay?" Tzuyu asked.

"I'm sorry but the height was too much and...she couldn't make it." Hobi trailed off letting us figure out the rest.

"What's worse is that she was not alone at the rooftop. A boy was spotted but we couldn't make out his face." Hobi kept throwing bombs at us one after the other and for some reason the first name that came to my mind was Park Jimin.

"This is insane." Tzuyu looked at me.

"Hey don't be sad! Use this holiday for studying and fun! Let's finish the movie." He cheered and picked up the remote to play the movie which I had paused.

That night Tzuyu had to go back home because her brother was worried about her. So it was just me and Hobi home alone again. We had dinner and chatted for a bit about random things.

"Don't bother about the dishes. I'll get them done with. You go get some rest." Hobi smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Okay goodnight." I was about to leave when he stopped me.

"What about the stalker? Do you still feel someone's presence?" He asked.

"Nope. While Tzuyu was here nothing really happened." I replied.

"Be careful you know. This could be the same guy behind Jihye as well." He warned.

"Hm I'll be careful. Tzuyu is always around me and I have Jimin too!" I exclaimed happily.

"Jimin who?" He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me.

"The new guy I told you about. The blind guy." I explained.

"You seem to be good friends with him." He said turning his attention back at the dishes.

"Actually about that..." I trailed off and sat down at the table again to tell him the truth.

"Don't tell me you're-" He understood what I was about to say and I nodded biting my lower lip.

"You just met the guy! How could you already fall for him?!" He turned back at me again looking surprised.

"Hobi you're overreacting. He's a nice guy and he always takes good care of me. He even drew me a picture." I said pulling the, piece of paper with my drawing on it and placed it infront of him.

He looked at it for a bit and sighed. "I hope you know what you're doing Y/n. I don't want you to get hurt."

"He could never do that." I smiled.

"I'm not so sure about that." He mumbled so that I wouldn't be able to hear but failed. I ignored him and pretended to not listen.

"I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow." I said getting up and went inside my room.

I took my phone from my desk and unlocked it to find a few notifications from Jimin and Tzuyu.I opened Jimin's chat first.

I hope you're okay after all that happened. Have a goodnight. See you at night.

I mean in my dreams.

Goodnight my mochi. See you in my dreams as well.😂

I texted back and quickly opened Tzuyu's chats

Ayy! Come to my place tomorrow. Let's study together I have a few questions in Statistics.

Oh and Jin won't be home so don't freak out.

Yeah? Okay then. I'll come by at 11. See ya!


I turned my phone off  after checking all my important mails and placed it on my desk again. I picked a hoodie from my closet and entered the bathroom.

I quickly finished showering and got out to find that the feeling of someone staring was completely gone. Tzuyu probably scared them away. I giggled at myself and did my skin care. Soon after I went to bed.

In the morning, I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm. It had been so long since I slept peacefully that I slept too well and was not sleepy at all to go back to bed. But it was only 7 in the morning and I had no school.

I looked beside me on the night stand to turn my alarm off when I found a sticky note which I don't remember putting there. I picked it up to find something was written on it.

'Hey babe. Sorry I couldn't come visit you these past few days. Since you had your friend around I left you in her care to prepare a surprise for you. Don't miss me too much, I'll be back soon my love.'

Creeped out by the words I quickly stood up to tell Hobi about it. But knowing he would make a scene out of it I sat back down. After a lot of thinking I folded the paper and put it in my pocket.

I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and showered, and went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast while my brother was busy sleeping.

'I'll show the note to Tzuyu. She could help me with this.' I thought.

This chapter does not consist of too much involvement of Jimin but it is important. You can just go over it briefly so that you know what's going on. The main thing coming soon~

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