{5} First Move

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He suddenly said out of the blue which caught me off guard.

"Huh?" I was really confused by the whole situation when he took off his glasses. He looked at me with those pretty eyes which I was looking at for the first time.

He smiled at me and looked deep into my eyes as if he could totally see me. I couldn't speak. I was drowning in his eyes. When he took off the glasses he looked like a completely normal person but the most beautiful one.

"I see you like my eyes a lot." He smiled shyly putting his glasses back on.

I was thrown back to reality. I didn't realise I was staring at his eyes for so long.

"Uhh...No let's just go home!" I didn't know what to say so I quickly got up from my seat and and picked my stuff.

"Okay. Can you keep this book to where it was for me?" He said handing me his book with a smile.

"Sure." I took it from him and headed towards it's original place in the library. I put it back on the shelf but as soon as I turned around my body crashed into someone else's. It was Jimin. I didn't notice he had followed.

"Looks like you know this library very well." He said in a low husky tone which not to mention was really hot.

"Umm..I stay b-back reading here a lot so..." I trailed off. We were in a middle of tall shelves which hid us from the librarian. It was like those movies where the couple make out in the library. But I was so not ready for that. My heart was in my throat. And a shiver ran down my spine when one of his hand suddenly touched mine and the other took of his glasses again.

He slowly started to lean in. I was nervous but ready for what was to come. I don't care if he's blind. It's not his fault anyway.

His face was inches away from mine and I could feel his hot breath brushing my face. The advantage was he couldn't see my expression because I was burning red.

Every passing second felt like a lifetime as his lips finally landed on the corner of mine. It wasn't something I expected but it was enough. He planted a small kiss on the corner of my lips giving me a sweet yet mischievous smile.

"Let's go home." He whispered and I nodded. I knew he couldn't see me but I was too shaken to talk. He held my hand and pulled me out of the school with him.

We walked in silence. Other people may find it awkward but we were both enjoying the silence. Sometimes nothing is really better than something.

"That's it. This is where we part." I said turning him. He smiled.

"I had fun. Thanks for being my friend." He was looking down at our intertwined hands.

"I had fun too. See you tomorrow at school." I smiled.

"Yup. Good luck for the test." He said letting go of my hand.

"You too." I smiled. It was more like we were making excuses so that we didn't have to part. I missed him already when he hasn't even fully left yet.

"It's 8:30. I must go home now or Hobi will freak out." I said giggling at the thought of Hobi.

"See you then." He waved at me with his tiny hands and left. I was looking at him walking further away from me.

'He's so weird yet I'm so attracted to him.' I thought about the time back at the library and my cheeks heated up immediately. I held my cheeks in my hands blushing really hard. I shrugged it off and ran home.

"Y/n where were you?!" Hobi looked like he was in full mood to pick a fight with me.

"Check your messages for once if you're not gonna pick up your calls." I replied putting my bag down on the couch. He grabbed his phone and checked.

"You were in the library? All alone? Why didn't  you come back home if you wanted to study." He started questioning me like the police officer he is.

"I was scared after what happened last night. And Jimin was there with me so I wasn't alone." I replied with full honesty.

"Oh okay then. If he's with you then fine." He said with a smirk. I knew he was trying to tease me again but I didn't fall for it. I stuck out my tongue for him and ran to my room.

I took a shower again as usual but as soon as I walked out of the washroom, that feeling hit me again. Like someone was staring at me.

Without bothering to check I went to Hobi to ask for help.

"Hey can you check outside my window? I feel like there's someone staring at me again." I said and he looked at me really worried.

"What? Someone staring at you?" His brows joined in confusion and he walked into my room with full confidence. I followed behind him.

He took silent steps towards the window and checked. He looked at all directions but again, couldn't find anyone.

"Relax Y/n you're just being paranoid. It must be the exams stressing you out." He said turning to me with a worried expression.

"No I'm fine. But this scares the shit out of me-"

"Language young lady." He giggled.

"Can I stay in your room tonight?" I requested.

"Sure. Bring your pillows I'll go make space for you." He said before patting my head and left.

I was collecting my stuff before moving out of my room for a night. But again I felt the same stare. I ignored it for a few seconds but since it was pissing me off I looked. And I clearly saw someone's shadow moving away from there.

"Who the hell are you?! Show yourself if you have the guts!!" I ran towards my window and screamed looking around.

"Y/n I told you to bring your stuff." Hobi rushed into my room again and pulled me in a tight hug.

"I was until I felt it again. And I clearly saw someone vanishing! Someone's there for sure!" I cried.

"Hey it's okay. Stay in my room for a while and I'll ask Tzuyu or Jin hyung to stay here with you while I'm away." He patted my head while I cried on his shoulder.

Imagine spending a night with Hobi in his bed🙄But do not forget he's your elder brother!🤭

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