Bonus [Jin's POV]

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I was ready to leave as I swung the handle of my bag around my shoulder. School's over, which means time to meet my favourite person. The thought alone made me smile. I turned to open the door when it flew open on its own before I could react, revealing a very angry Tzuyu.

"What's up?" I asked casually shoving her to the side to make way for me to leave.

"You should be asking what's down!" She hissed angrily.

"Okay...what's down?" I mocked as I was on my way to the rooftop being followed by an angry little sister.

"Y/n is!" She screeched making me turn around to face her wide eyed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Y/n is down! She has been all day today and it's your fault!" I squinted my eyes at her words in confusion.

"Look Tzuyu. She's a lot younger than me. I really love her but as a sister. Besides, I have a girlfriend." I explained but the kid wouldn't listen.

"Meet Y/n on the rooftop right now. And don't you dare make her sad again." She warned and stomped away angrily.

'God, this little brat.'

I went towards the rooftop, my mood much worse than it was before, thanks to Tzuyu. I turned the knob and opened the door to find a girl already standing there with her back facing me.

I closed the door and went towards her with a smile. I silently crept towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist which made her jump out of surprise.

"My Hyori. Did I make you wait for too long?" I asked with my smile growing wider every passing second. Her slender body turned around to face me still in my arms with the same expression as mine.

"Yup. What took my World Wide Handsome so long?" She asked carefully caressing my cheeks.

"Tzuyu." I sighed. The thought itself irritated me.

"It's Y/n again? Why don't you talk it out with her? Don't keep her in the dark it will only hurt her more." She said with a concerned look on her face.

"If you say so. I'll talk to her tonight." I smiled. I took her silence as a permission and slowly leaned in to get a taste of her small lips.

Forgetting about the whole world I deepened the kiss, taking in her sweet scent and the flavour of her lip balm which were my favourite. Once I parted from her I was met with the most beautiful smile on earth. I tucked the lose strands of hair behind her ear lovingly as she shyly turned her face down to the ground.

Breaking out of the sweet moment, we both looked towards the creeking sound of the door. It was Y/n.

"Don't you dare make her sad again." Tzuyu's words kept lingering in my mind as we were having a staring competition.

"Y/n let me-" I tried to go towards her but she had already turned around and left.

"You should go after her." Hyori advised. As bad as I felt for leaving her, I knew I had to go. I nodded at her and left her warmth to run behind Y/n. But it was too late.

As soon as I reached down a flight of stairs, I heard a loud thud. As if someone had fallen down.

'Shit, shit, SHIT!'

I ran as fast as light itself to find Y/n lying down in a pool of blood already.

"Y/n! Can you hear me?!" I asked in a panicked voice but she had already passed out. I picked up her head and placed it carefully on my lap. I took out my phone with shaky hands and dialed Hoseoks number.


It's been a week. I kept blaming myself for Y/n's condition. The doctor said she had severe head injury and in worse cases, she could suffer from amnesia. Hyori has been by my side ever since. I felt bad for her as she kept receiving hate from my younger sister but she was always supportive to both of us no matter what. Tzuyu has to understand, even if I get along with Y/n, she'll end up being more hurt because my heart belongs to Hyori. I could never return the same feelings to Y/n.

Finally after 2 weeks of slumber Y/n finally woke up. She didn't suffer from amnesia but I've noticed her speaking to herself.

"Just because she had the will to live, her brain helped her create an imaginary character. Just like little kids have imaginary friends. This imaginary character might help Y/n come out of her trauma and heal her. So it's the best for us to pretend that the character is real." That's what the doctor told us.


"Hey- Oh Y/n is here!You rarely show up. How are you?" I returned home today from work to find out that Y/n had come by. I was really happy because she has been avoiding me ever since. It's been years. I haven't seen her properly but again, everything isn't as perfect as you want it to be.

Tzuyu fake coughed tapping on my shoulder. She pulled my ear towards her and whispered something.

"She's with Jimin. Act like Jimin is there beside her.

"Who's Jimin?" I asked with a dark glare. I couldn't believe. Even after so long Y/n still had to depend on her imagination? The thought made me mad. Not because Y/n still has to imagine someone to be with her but because the cause of her state is my fault. That's when I decided to take over her case. A doctor has to help his patients. I was determined to make things right.


"She went missing? Wasn't she supposed to be with you?!" I screamed at Tzuyu.

"I'm sorry. She said she wanted to be with Jimin and pushed me out. I didn't know something like this would happen!" Tzuyu cried really hard. I knew she felt bad to have lost her friend and it wasn't her fault but I had to vent my anger out on something.

That night I returned home to find out Y/n wanted to spend time with Jimin and stayed back at the library with him. Assuming that she must have thought of Jimin to kidnap her, we didn't inform the police about it. If this case was exposed to the public, she would have to hide from all the hate in the world. People would never accept someone as mentally challenged as her in the society.

"Where can she be? My little sister where is she?!" Hoseok kept crying. He was heartbroken at the loss. That night he told us a secret we never knew before.

Y/n had this illness all her life. She used to have an imaginary friend ever since she was a kid. She even got bullied in school because of this which I did come across when I first met her. Hoseok told us that she stopped talking about this friend and was almost starting to forget her and heal until the fall occured. This was all my fault. I worsened her situation and now it was all on me to make things like they were supposed to be.

"Don't worry Hoseok. If Jimin is her motivation to live, she surely is safe. Jimin would never hurt her if he was meant to protect her. And come to think of it. He's not even real, what harm could he cause to your sister?" We tried to console him all night but his condition kept depleting. We had to do something and find Y/n before Hoseok loses it. And again, Hyori was the source of support and motivation. She played a huge role in my life and I'm forever greateful to her.


We finally found her. She somehow managed to find this old house in the middle of the woods. Well, to be exact, her subconscious did. Sometimes Y/n would act as if she's not herself. If you call out to her she wouldn't respond. That's when we knew she would sometimes let her subconscious take over her and do things for her. Luckily, we found her unharmed. We have no idea whatsoever. How she survived without proper meals and how she found them either. But she was safe. Not very healthy, but safe. And that's what matters.


She's finally discharged from the hospital. From now on, I'll take good care of her. I'll keep a close watch on her so that she can really heal this time. I won't let her subconscious take the best of her anymore.

"You'll be fine Y/n. I'll help you."

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