{18} Nightmare or Reality?

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Of course he didn't take me with him but he didn't tie me up either. Instead he locked up all the doors and windows of the house so that I can't escape.

This gave me an opportunity to look around the house more properly on my own. I looked around and found a storeroom. It had a door which led to the backyard of the house but of course it was locked. And I don't think it will ever be opened but in a case of an emergency.

I then went towards the living room again. There must be something I could use. I did find a telephone on a table but realised it was just a model when I tried to dial Hobi's number.

I gave up and landed on the couch. There was a big TV in front of me but I couldn't turn it on. I turned around still seated on the couch and looked through the window. I thought I could break it since it was glass but no use. It was too thick and hard. Jimin had really made sure I couldn't escape.

"What do you think you are? Just trash. You don't belong here!" The annoying high pitched voice made my blood boil instantly.

"You think you stand a chance? Go kill yourself bitch!" She repeated. I found myself lying on the ground in an instant and the girl holding me by my hair which hurt a lot. I looked up and was surprised to find it was Jihye.

"How-how did you-" I was cut off by a punch in my face.

"Shut up, you're annoying!" She said followed by a high pitched laugh around her. They were her so called friends.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" We heard a voice from behind me and turned around. It was...Jin...?

"Oh... don't mind us. We were just teaching this rat a lesson." Jihye said nervously as Jin marched towards us, anger filled in his voice and steps. Her minions had already run away.

"Leave her alone. If I find you girls around her ever again, I'll meet you in the director's office." He grumbled making Jihye stand up and run for dear life. Jin crouched down next to me and helped me sit up.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"No-" he cut me off.

"Y/n?! Y/n!" He suddenly started screaming at my face.

I opened my eyes in a flash and found Jimin shouting my name trying to wake me up from the nightmare. I fell asleep on the couch while waiting for him to return.

"Did you have a nightmare?" He asked worrying about me.

"It was a memory. A few years ago." I said in a low voice.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked slightly pulling me to sit up straight on the couch and held my shoulders.

"I saw Jihye..." I trailed off realising something.

"You said you don't like when people hurt me." I asked and he nodded. "Does that mean you pushed Jihye from the rooftop?" He remained silent which itself answered my question.

"So you know everything about me. My past. Everything?" I asked again freaking out at the thought that I was being stalked on for so long. Also the framed sketch in my room.

"Y/n let's get you to bed you don't look to good." He tried to change the subject not looking me in the eyes.

"Does that mean you'll kill me too?" I asked.

"You know I could never hurt you!" He suddenly raised his voice at me making me flinch but soon apologised.

"I love you. I can't leave you like that in the world where you're not safe." He said trying to calm me down.

"I'm not a kid! I can take care of myself."

"I saw how you took care of yourself! You almost killed yourself! If I didn't go there on time I could've lost you forever!" He scolded.

"Look Y/n. I know this is not the perfect way to protect you but this is all I can do. I didn't kill Jihye okay I only wanted to threaten her. Her fall was an accident!" He explained.

"Jimin I don't understand. What's wrong with you? The police is probably searching for us already. They'll find me." I burst out crying.

"Nothing like that is happening. They probably forgot you and moved on with their lives. There's no news outside that a girl has suddenly gone missing and it's all peaceful like a normal day." He said coldly. My heart clenched at his harsh words.

'Everyone...forgot me? Already?'

"What?" I asked trying to stop crying.

"It's true. No one is looking for you. Now you know who really does care for you. You're only safe with me. The others don't care about you." He continued.

"I'll take you out with me one day. See for yourself then." He said stroking my cheeks gently.

'Is that the truth? No one is really looking for me? Then is Jimin the only one I have now? Should I trust him?'

Jimin's words were having a bad effect on me. He was trying to manipulate me. The attack that night had really shaken me to my core. Jihye's death, Jimin being my stalker and being kidnapped. All of this happened so fast I didn't even have the time to react. This was stressing my brain out making me more and more depressed. And this in turn made me believe Jimin's words. He was clearly messing with my brain and had his own way to it.

He was controlling my thoughts, controlling my emotions, controlling me. Taking the advantage of my situation he proved to me that he was the only one for me and I could never rely on anyone else anymore. Everyone out there only wanted to hurt me and Jimin was my only protector.

"Let's get you to bed. I won't tie you up. I'll be with you instead." He comforted me with his sweet words and carried me to my room like a kid. He didn't go back on his words but hugged me to sleep and kept comforting me whenever I needed.

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