{11} Day Out

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"I'm going to Tzuyu's place today to study. Do you want me to pack lunch for you?" I asked while stuffing my face woth food.

"Eh? Jin won't be home?" He asked looking at me surprised and I gave him a nod. Everyone who knows me knows that I hardly go to Tzuyu's place and that too when her brother is not home.

"Okay. You don't have to worry I'll eat something from outside. You guys work hard okay?" He said scraping his plate with the spoon to avoid having any left over food on it.

"When are you going?" He asked again.

"At around 11." I answered truthfully.

"Okay, be careful." He said and stood up from his seat to collect both our dishes and put them in the sink.

"You go get ready for work. I'll clean up and leave as well." I said and quicky got to work.

I arrived Tzuyu's house a little later than planned.

"Hey, I'm sorry for being late I had a few things to do." I apologised as soon as she opened the door and she pulled me inside before even listening to me properly.

"It's okay. I forgive you." She jokes and we both make our way to the living room.

"Here. Explain." She said putting down a notebook infront of me which contained a list of questions and definitions.

I got to work at explaining the dumbass all the easy things she couldn't figure out herself. After around 3 hours of procrastinating and chatting we decided to take a break from our so-called study session and watch TV for a while.

"You know I think I was wrong about Jimin." She suddenly states as we were watching TV and nibbling on the snacks. I turned to face her in confusion.

"Why?" I asked.

"You know. Maybe they're just rumors again to trouble the boy. And I fell for those and couldn't trust him. But I couldn't find anything against him so I think he's harmless." She continued but I stayed quiet listening to her intently. After a moment of silence she started again.

"And to apologise I invited him here. He'll be here any second now." I gaped at her words. This girl is seriously going to be the cause of my death one day.

"Why are you nervous?" She pointed out.

"I-I'm not!" She smirked as she heard me stutter and turned to the TV ignoring me. Just like she mentioned, the doorbell rang and Tzuyu flew to open the door for the visitor.

"Hey! Come in Y/n is here already." She screamed from the hallway while I was looking around to hide my poor self from Jimin.

'But why am I so nervous? He's my boyfriend I shouldn't be like this.' I thought and I placed my butt on the couch like a normal, decent girl who was freaking out on the inside.

"Hey Y/n!" I heard a familiar male voice behind me and turned back with a smile.

"Hey." I said in a lower voice. He came towards the couch and sat right next to me.

"You guys stay here I'll bring more snacks for you!" Tzuyu ran towards the kitchen and I know exactly why because there was enough on the table already.

"I miss you already." He said with a cute smile.

"I missed you too." I lied. I didn't miss him. I was being suspicious of him.

He didn't say anything but lifted his hand to cup my face, the cold ring on his index finger sending a chill down my spine. He moved towards me probably aiming for a kiss when I stopped him.

"Let's not do it here Jimin." I said not being ready for whatever that was going to happen, my heart throbbing loud enough for him to hear.

"Are you okay?" He asked worried. I answered with a nod while his hands where still on my face.

"I heard what Jihye did to you in the past. Unfortunate much for her she-" I cut off his words.

"Who told you?" I asked almost offended to learn that he digged into my past.

"I just heard it from people talking about it in the hallway yesterday when we were asked to go home." He explained quickly not trying to tick me off.

"Let's not talk about my past. In fact, let's never bring it up in the first place." I said turning back to the TV and removing his hand from my face.

He remained silent for a moment making me feel guilty of making him upset but he proves me wrong by wrapping his arms around my waist from the side and putting his chin on my shoulder for support.

"I'm sorry to make you angry forgive me please~" He said in a slightly high pitched voice which he knew I could never resist. I gave up and chuckled immediately at his cuteness.

"I swear if Tzuyu wasn't here I would make you feel so much more better." He said in a low voice, his lips brushing lightly on my neck making me blush.

"Y-Yah! What are you saying?" I screamed in a whisper gaining a smile from him.

"Why? What is my little dirty minded girl thinking?" He giggled.

"Don't you guys think you should be doing this when you're alone? I'm so jealous of you!" Tzuyu exclaimed coming back from the kitchen making Jimin jump back in his seat, both of us blushing like crazy.

"You should-" I was about to shout at her for leaving us alone on purpose but got cut off by the doorbell ringing. She runs towards the door and opens it.

"Why are you here?" She gasps and we could hear her from the living room.

"I was worried about you." Another chill ran down my spine immediately as I recognised the voice. Someone who I avoid at all costs.

Kim Seok Jin.

"And I didn't have a lot of things to do at work. Also your friends are here so I thought I should help with the chores." He continues.

"Is it Tzuyu's brother?" Jimin asked curiously but I couldn't answer. I couldn't move a limb being reminded about the past.

"Hey- Oh Y/n is here!" Jin beams happily with glistening eyes. "You rarely show up. How are you?"

Tzuyu fake coughed tapping on Jin's shoulder. She pulled his ear towards her and whispered something to him. I noticed the change in his expression, it grew dark.

"Who's Jimin?" He asked looking at me.

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