{21} Reality

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I opened my eyes but closed them again because of the bright light directly hitting my eyes. I slowly grew adjusted to light and looked around.

"What's going on?" I asked although I saw no one around me but Tzuyu came rushing next to me when she heard my voice.

"Y/n! How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" She asked looking extremely worried about me.

"What happened to me?" I asked in a small voice.

"You fell unconscious when Jin told you about- the truth. And you've been sleeping for 2 weeks straight." She hesitated.

"Is she up?" Hobi and Jin walked into the room, Hobi overexcited and Jin like his normal cool self.

"She just woke up." Tzuyu told them.

"Are you in pain?" Jin held my wrist checking my pulses and writing something down on the page stuck in the clipboard.

"Please tell me what's going on." I begged tears threatening to fall.

"I think it's time we tell her the truth." Jin nodded and Hobi sat down comfortably next to me.

"Y/n, you know now that Jimin isn't real right?" He asked cautiously.

"How is he not real?" I cried.

"Okay...you remember your days with Jihye?" He began.


I walked down the corridor timidly trying to avoid Jihye and her minions at all costs.

I'm new in this school and this town. Mom and dad died in a brutal car accident when I and Hobi were still little and Hobi has been working since his teenage.

When he found himself  suitable job which was one of a police officer he decided to rent out a small apartment for us to move out as he thought of us as a burden to our aunt who took us in.

I opened my locker and the floor got flooded by all the chits and papers people had left for me. No they were not love letters or anything. They were all death threats. I took the important things I needed for the class and closed the locker.

"Don't you think you should clean up the mess you made?" Jihye smirked, her hands folded casually like the typical mean girl.

"I didn't do it." I said slowly.

"Did you just talk back to me slut?" She raised her voice making me flinch.

"What do you think you are? Just trash. You don't belong here!" The annoying high pitched voice made my blood boil instantly.

"You think you stand a chance? Go kill yourself bitch!" She repeated. I found myself lying on the ground in an instant and the girl holding me by my hair which hurt a lot.

"How-how did you-" I was cut off by a punch in my face.

"Shut up you're annoying!" She said followed by a high pitched laugh around her. They were her so called friends.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" We heard a voice from behind me and turned around. It was...Jin...?

"Oh... don't mind us. We were just teaching this rat a lesson." Jihye said nervously as Jin marched towards us, anger filled in his voice and steps. Her minions had already run away.

"Leave her alone. If I find you girls around her ever again, I'll meet you in the director's office." He grumbled making Jihye stand up and run for dear life. Jin crouched down next to me and helped me sit up.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked in a gentle voice.

"No." I held my head which was throbbing like hell for some reason.

"Let me take you to the nurse." He said and picked me up in bridal style like it was totally normal to pick a girl and carry her around the school while everyone stares.

Kim Seok Jin, the heartthrob of the school, known as world wide handsome had now become a good friend of mine. He protected me from bullies especially Jihye.

He also had a cute little sister who became my best friend in no time. Since Jin was a senior and didn't have any classes with me he ordered Tzuyu to look after me which she gladly did.

"I know you like my brother a lot. But I don't think it's going to work out you see." She tried to comfort me but didn't hide the truth as I was feeling too down thinking I didn't stand a chance against him.

I told Jin last night that I liked him a lot and he rejected me which was not surprising. He said he always saw me like a little sister and wanted to protect me because I turned out to be his friend's sister. And since morning today he has been ignoring me like I don't exist.

"I know. But I can't control my feelings for him." I whined.

"I'll ask him to meet you at the rooftop at the end of the day. Talk it out with him." Tzuyu said and left the class.

At the end of the day I quickly packed up my things and rushed towards the rooftop. I nervously opened the door and to my surprise Jin was already there. Not just that but with someone.

My heart dropped when I saw they just parted from a kiss and were smiling lovingly at each other.

Jin's eyes turned towards me and widened when he found that I was already there and had witnessed the whole scene.

"Y/n let me-" He tried to come towards me but I turned around and left. He followed me while I was trying to escape from him to hide my tears, my head suddenly started to throb again and went black in a split second. I slipped on the stairs and fell.

"Y/n! Can you hear me?!" Jin's panicked voice was the last thing that I heard before I completely blacked out.

When I opened my eyes again I felt a stinging pain in my head. I tried to sit up but Jin laid me back down.

"Don't get up. You need to rest a lot." He said gently pulling the sheets to cover my body properly.

"Why are you here?" I asked feeling the rage inside.

"I couldn't leave you like that. After all I was the cause of your fall. Anyways, I called Hoseok up and he'll be here in a bit. I'll wait for him outside." He said and quietly left the room.

I layed there in silence, crying my heart out.

'First mom and dad, then Jin. Why is my life like this? Why can't I just momentarily be happy?' All kinds of negative thoughts ran across my head while I was wailing until I found a surgical knife next to the bed. I picked it up from the tray and placed it near my wrist.

'This should be it. I should end this before it gets worse.' I closed my eyes tightly and was about to cut but dropped the knife being too startled by the unexpected voice.

"Are you sure you wanna end it all for that asshole?"

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