{6} Cheer Up!

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I asked Hobi to drop me off at school as I was really tired for not getting enough sleep last night. We picked Tzuyu on the way as well.

"Wow you kinda look scary today." Tzuyu said as soon as she got inside the car.

"Tzuyu can I ask you for a favour?" Hobi said turning back at her from the driver's seat. She nodded.

"If you're free tonight can you stay at home with Y/n. Or if Jin hyung isn't busy." Hobi asked politely.

"As far as I know that pig will probably be busy stuffing his face with food. I'll stay with her." She smiled.

"Thanks." Hobi giggled and drove us to school.

"Be careful you two." He cheered from the car as we walked inside the school.

"You look really out of it. What is it about?" She asked.

"I told you about the stalker guy. He just doesn't want to give up." I explained.

"What? He came back?!" She looked genuinely shocked.

"Why you should be happy." I tried to make a dry joke to lift the mood.

"Ahh stop I was kidding. It must be hard to have a stalker. I mean you didn't even get offended when I called Jin a pig this morning." She giggled.

"I told you I gave up on him. Learn from your brother at least he has a girlfriend." I exclaimed sadly. Yes I had a crush on Tzuyu's brother so what? He was every girl's dream.

"I'd like it if it were you. I don't like his girlfriend, she's a bitch. But you could help me though." She smiled mischievously when I looked at her confused.

"Hook me up with Hobi." She said in my ear and I immediately cringed at her words.

"Ewww nooo go away!!" I made a disgusted face and ran to class while she followed me laughing the whole time. She knows exactly how to cheer me up.

My face heated up again as soon as I reached the class. I stood there frozen when Tzuyu bumped into my back.

"What the-" she followed her gaze to where I was looking. She smiled cheekily as she saw Jimin sitting beside my table and the way I was blushing.

"I missed out on something yesterday didn't I?" She asked Jimin pulling me towards our seats.

"Huh?" Jimin asked lifting his head up.

"How come you're sitting here?" I asked him trying to change the topic.

"I asked the guy to switch seats with me. I wanted to sit with you." He smiled. I looked towards Jimin's original seat and the guy who usually sat beside me was indeed sitting there looking rather scared.

I looked back at Jimin and then Tzuyu. She looked back at me with a smug.

"Is there a problem? Do you want me to go back?" He asked.

"Nah she's just a little off today that's all. It's normal don't worry." Tzuyu exclaimed. I scrunched my face and looked towards her and she giggled.

"Why? Did something happen?" Jimin asked slowly after the teacher came in and already started teaching.

"No big deal. I just have a feeling that someone might be stalking on me." I whispered.

"Stalking on you?!" He whispered back loud enough for Tzuyu to turn back and giving a fake 'I'm-trying-to-concentrate-keep-it-down' face.

I stuck my tongue out to her and turned back after giving me a cute frown. She was totally trying to hold back a grin.

"You know, I kind of wonder how you look." Jimin said with a smile.

'Okay wasn't expecting that.'

"Nah I'm ugly you wouldn't wanna find out." I replied embarrassed.

"I don't think someone would stalk you if you were ugly though." He said.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?" I asked sounding offended but he knew I was kidding.

"How long is you hair?" He asked.

"Not too long. Just a bit down my shoulders." I replied looking at the damaged tips of my hair.

"I bet you're pretty." He replied out of nowhere.

"Nope Tzuyu is prettier." I said. I was craving compliments. Give me more more.

"I like you better." He smiled looking down probably trying to hide his pink cheeks while I was burning red too.

"You two! What do you think you're doing?!" The teacher shouted.

"Ah I was just trying to figure out how she looks. I'm sorry sir." Jimin stood up before I had a chance to say anything and bowed.

"Well then do that after school. Detention for 2 hours!" The teacher announced and my little heart dropped to my stomach.

I grabbed my hair and whined like a kid.

"I thought you were too afraid to go home. What's wrong?" Jimin asked again.

'Wait when did I tell him I was too scared to go home? Uh must've slipped my tongue or how else would he know?'

"Urgh I wanted to go home early today. Got7 has their comeback today!" I complained gaining a cute giggle from Jimin.

"We can watch it together during detention." He suggested.

"Then what about me? Am I gonna watch it alone?!" Tzuyu cried when the teacher left.

"Yah! You were evesdropping!" I screamed.

"Couldn't help it. You guys are too cute." She teased.

"Well you could stay back and watch it with us." Jimin said.

"Nah I don't wanna be a thirdwheel for you guys. Imma stream it on a big screen." She dramatically flipped her hair and started collecting her things.

"I guess it's just the two of us then." He giggled.

Suddenly the scene from the library popped up in my head and I started blushing at the thought of staying alone with him again.

I nodded and got up from my seat. "Lets go, I'm starving!" I exclaimed and rushed towards the cafeteria.

On the way there I noticed people were giving us strange looks. They were distancing themselves from us as if we would eat them up if they came too close.

It was strange how in the cafeteria as well people tried to stay as far away as they could.

"I wonder what's wrong with these people." Tzuyu said looking around.

"What's wrong with them?" Jimin asked looking up from his food.

"They're all kinda staring." I replied.

"They'll get the hang of it don't worry." He said casually digging in his food again.

I looked at Tzuyu and she was looking at me in confusion as well.


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