{4} Apology

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On our way to school I told Tzuyu all about last night.

"And Hobi stayed with me all night I was so scared." I explained.

"Wahh I wish I had a crazy stalker as well." She started fantasizing in the middle of the road.

"God you must be really lonely." I said with a sigh. "I just wish it's not a stalker. Actually I don't even want it be real, it's really scary."

"What if he's really in love with you? Just tell him not to hide anymore and you will accept his feelings!" Tzuyu was already spitting out nonsense at this point.

"Stop dreaming Tzuyu it's not a movie. And how do you know if it's a he? And why the hell would a stranger like me or why the hell would I like him back When I don't even know him?!" I said all in one breath.

"You're hopeless. I wish it was me instead of you. I know how to deal with this." She said making a bored expression as we reached school.

The bell rang and we went to our first class. I had the chocolate bar hidden in my jacket because if Tzuyu saw it, she'll gobble it up or if I told her she would start shipping me with Jimin.

We reached our class and sat at our desks. I was waiting for the moment when she would rest her head on the table and fall asleep like usual. As soon as she did, I took my chance and jumped from my seat.

"Hey Jimin. Good morning." I said standing beside Jimin as looked ahead signalling me he was listening. I could tell he was still mad.

"I'm sorry for yesterday I shouldn't have peeked at your drawing. I bought you an apology present!" I said and placed the bar in his hand. He giggled.

"How childish..It's okay. I overreacted too yesterday, forgive me." He smiled.

"Nahh it's okay. No more hard feelings?" I asked and he shook his head in a 'no' with a smile. I smiled back and went towards my seat as the teacher was already there and focused in class.

It was just like yesterday but better. Jimin sat with us at the cafeteria and Tzuyu and Jimin were getting along as well. We enjoyed our time together and we already became the best trio. This helped me get closer to Jimin. He was a silent type indeed but once you get to know him,  he's really funny and cool. His blindness didn't make it hard at all. It's like having a normal friend. But we made sure he wasn't missing out or felt left out.

"Tzuyu I'm gonna stay back at the library to study." I pulled her back when she was about to leave the class.

"Eh? Why?!" She asked.

"I need to study. And I can't be alone at home. Hobi won't be home till late."

"I could stay back at your place if you want. Maybe I could steal the crazy stalker away from you with my beauty!" She joked.

"Lol no it's okay. I don't wanna bother you. Go home and focus for the next exam." I said.

"Meh...I don't care anymore." She replied. We exchanged a giggle and she went on ahead to go home. Once I was sure she had left I went upstairs to the library.

No one usually stays here after school during exams so I expected to have the whole silent room all to myself. But to my surprise Jimin was there. I went towards him and took a seat in front of him.

"You didn't go home yet?" I asked opening my books.

"I always stay back. I don't like going home." He replied. I dared not ask why because I was aware of his reaction if I did. And I didn't want things to get nasty again.

I looked at the book he was holding and the title read Stolen by Lucy Christopher. I had read the book and it was about kidnapping and stuff. But why did he even have a book when he can't even see.

"My sister read me this book once. I know the story that's why I'm holding it or they wouldn't let me stay if I wasn't reading." He said as if he had read my mind.

"But I didn't say anything." I replied.

"I'm sure you were wondering." He replied confidently.

'But why would his sister read him such a book?' I wondered.

"Why don't you wanna go home?" I asked unconsciously.

"You're being sneaky again. This time a chocolate won't do." He chuckled.

"Hmph okay." I growled in a low voice and started studying.

An hour had already passed. I was still busy studying and Jimin was right in front of me the whole time holding his book, occasionally flipping through pages as if he was really reading it.

"Do they not know about your sight?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"I don't like talking about it. They treat me differently." He replied.

"But you're not even getting in trouble for the shades." I said.

"That's because of the letter I submitted to the principal and he made the teachers aware to let me use them." He explained.

"Cool." I replied going back to studying when he asked me a question.

"Why does it feel like you're interested in me suddenly?"

"What? No! I'm not! I mean you are my friend! Urgh stop saying such things Tzuyu and Hobi tease me enough with this!" I blurted out all flustered.

"Hobi? Your brother?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah how do you know?" I asked curiously.

"I guessed." He said in a low voice looking down at his book.

"You okay?" I asked not understanding the change in mood suddenly. He nodded but began to speak normally again after a while.

"Hey it's late. Already 8 pm. Want me to walk you home?" He asked.

"What? How do you know it's 8?!" I asked surprised. How does he know everything when he can't even see.

"You have too many questions today." He replied with a little smug on his face. I didn't quite get what he meant but I shrugged it off.

"Well then. Let's just go home it's late." I said starting to pack my things up.

"I'm not completely blind. I can still make out if it is dark or not. And I've gotten used to it so I can tell. Want proof?"

Happy birthday little Joonie! I love you a lot and appreciate your kindness towards the other 6 crazy guys. Please take good care of those kids they need you🤦

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