{19} Out

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A few days had already passed. I was totally under Jimin's control. I did whatever he asked me to do. I obeyed him like he was my guardian.

He cuddled with me all the time knowing how lonely I can get at times. He stopped tying me up or keeping me locked up in the house. He trusted me and I trusted him.

He fixed the TV for me and we would watch movies for hours and enjoy ourselves. I forgot that I was kidnapped. This became my new home with Jimin. He got me everything I needed and pampered me like a baby. He never let me down and always made sure I was happy and comfortable.

Today is another such day. He woke me up, we did everything like we usually do - getting dressed up, having breakfast, making the bed and cuddling at times.

"Let's go out today. You've been locked up here for too long." He suggested while we were doing the dishes together.

"I don't want to. I like being here with you." I whined and he ruffled my hair giggling.

"But you'll feel better if you go out. You've not been too active lately like you were." He smiled.

"I like being lazy." I pouted.

"Yah stop complaining kid. We're gonna go out and buy some stuff that you need. We can also get lunch packed from a restaurant."

"Why can't we eat there?"

"What if someone recognises you? They'll take you away from me." He chuckled slightly.

"Okay. Let's go shopping then!" I cheered.

We got ready and Jimin gave me a hat and a mask to hide my face.

"Don't take them off okay?" I ordered and I nodded. We got out of the house and entered his car. Then he drove off.

It had been more than an hour and we were still not half way close to our destination.

"How long till we reach?" I yawned.

"A few more minutes. Why don't you take a nap. I'll wake you up when we get there." He suggested concentrating on the road.

I nodded and turned my head towards the window. We were driving through an empty road which had deep forests on both sides. It was a beautiful scenery and the cold air that hit my face was too refreshing that I instantly fell asleep.

"Hey Y/n! What class do you have now?" A girl asked me  while running towards me.

"PE. What about you?" I asked.

"Eh same! If the they decide to play basketball again I'll be in your team!" She commanded.

"Yeah sure. You always do that anyway." I said sarcastically and headed to the gym.

"Y/n? We're here." A soft voice woke me up from my slumber as a hand gently patted my head.

"Jimin I had a dream again." I said in a low voice still not fully awake.

"Hmm? What was it?" He mimicked my voice and turned towards me to rest his head on the seat like me.

"I saw a girl. She looked kinda dumb but very pretty. And she was very friendly. Do I know her?" I asked curiously.

"I don't remember anyone like that. Maybe it was just a dream not a memory." He lied confidently with a smile.

"It seemed like she knew me very well though." I said.

"You wait in the car. I'll go bring the food we'll go shopping after that okay?" He smiled and kissed my cheeks then left.

I was sitting aimlessly in the car when I noticed a familiar girl entering the restaurant. She was the girl I just saw in my dream! But not as cheerful as I saw her in my dream.

She went inside the restaurant and came out in a few minutes. She had a packet in one of  her hands which probably contained food and her phone in the other holding it close to her ear. She stood outside of the entrance right near the car. Since the windows weren't pulled up I could hear her conversation.

"What is he doing?" She asked and sighed.

"I feel so bad for him. I got his favourites I hope this can cheer him up." She keeps speaking.

"Yeah don't let him go home yet he'll be all alone and probably will do something stupid again. Geez I can't imagine how hard it must be to lose a sister." She said sadly again.

"Okay I'm coming. I'll be there soon. Bye." She said and hung up. I could see tears forming in her eyes but she quickly rubbed them away with the sleeve of her dress and left.

A few minutes later Jimin entered the car surprising me as I was lost in thoughts. He looked at me oddly.

"What's wrong? You were deep in thoughts?" He asked putting his seatbelt on.

"I saw that girl. The one from my dream. She was speaking to someone on the phone and crying and somehow I felt so bad for her. I wanted to run to her and give her a tight hug." I said sadly.

"Baby you're too kind but you can't do such things to strangers. They'll take you for a weirdo." He giggled and drove off.

We went grocery shopping and it was fun. I was out after a long time and Jimin was clearly happy to have company as well. I forcefully made him buy a few unnecessary items which he didn't refuse to get.

After a long tiring day we were finally on our cozy bed cuddling with each other talking about a lot of random shit.

"But that girl. I'm sure I know her." I said suddenly changing the topic and he sighed.

"Do you know her name?" He asked and I shook my head in a 'no'.

"Then why do you think you know her? She's a stranger forget about her." He said and pulled me towards him to sleep.

A little explaination here-
Y/n is starting to lose her memories. The pressure she's been under for so long is completely messing her up. But she doesn't realise it because Jimin is manipulating her so efficiently. And if you're dumb and didn't realise who the girl was in the dream...SHE WAS TZUYU.
Talking about Jimin, you will come to know later. But for now just know that he's not realising the harm he's causing to Y/n. According to him this is the best way possible to keep Y/n safe forever.

Okay thanks bye~

BlindedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя