{17} Comfort

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The next morning went pretty smoothly. Jimin untied and locked me inside the washroom for 30 minutes.

The washroom was pretty secure with no windows or any such thing. It was a closed but a huge space. Almost as big as my whole room but a lot more luxurious.

After I finished my routine he tied me up to the bed and fed me breakfast like last night. Honestly, Jimin was the kindest kidnapper in the world. He doesn't demand for money or hurt me, he feeds me well and still speaks politely although there is a little change in his speech. This is almost funny how I've come to love my kidnapper and become comfortable with him.

"Are you going to keep me tied up like this forever?" I asked when he was scraping the bowl with the spoon to make sure he wasn't wasting anything.

"No silly. I'll take you out with me sometimes. I still need to show you around here." He giggled.

"Are we going to do that today? My arms hurt because of being tied up for so long." I let out the truth.

"Sure! Be right back!" He ruffled my hair and left the room. I sighed sitting on the bed still tied up with no new ideas of escape.

I looked around the room as it was well lit up now compared to last night. There were a few pictures hanging on the wall. The first picture I saw was of a puppy and looked like a sketch. Probably Jimin drew it, he's good with his hands.

I moved my head to the right to find a portrait of a girl. She looked kind of familiar at first but it clicked when I tried to focus more on it. It was that picture which he didn't want me to see back at the basketball match. He got offended because I was sneaking around. Wait. Something's off.

'That' me! That me when I was 10! What the hell? How long has he been stalking me?!' I was honestly creeped out by this.

I turned around and found another painting on top of my bed. It was me as well. But the current me. Not the one he drew for me. It was a little different. I was writing something down in the notebook. He probably drew it in class. I mean he did fake his blindness.

"Hey~ let's go look around!" He bursted into the room startling me and giggled at my surprise. I looked at him and then the ropes on my wrist. I tried my best to keep my composure. I tried not to show how scared I really was.

"Oops I keep forgetting those." He came towards me and unfastened the knots. A sense of relief went through my body as I was able to move my arms freely again.

"Does it hurt that much? It's red." He said concern filling in his voice as he touched my wrist slightly.

"I told you it was painful but it's okay." I said but regretted immediately.

"I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't know I swear." He said in a low voice as tears filled up in his eyes.

"A-are you crying?" I asked surprised at his action but he pulled me into a tight hug burrying his head in my shoulders.

"It's okay it doesn't hurt anymore." I tried to comfort the boy by patting his head lightly, still not sure why actually he was crying. He was so happy just a second ago.

"I'll make it up to you. I'll make you your favourite dish tonight. Tell me what do you like to eat?"

"Erm...you don't have to-" he cut me off.

"Tell me what you like." He asked but more sternly this time.

"Umm...Pizza...?" I said without thinking and he started smiling again.

"Okay! Pizza it is then! Let's go look around now." He jumped up from the bed like nothing ever happened giving me a hand to get up.

'What's with this crazy mood swings? Is he a psychopath? Or is it some kind of illness? Or is he just some obsessive stalker?'

He held my hand tightly and took me downstairs. I was awestruck. Legit breathless. It was the prettiest house where some famous person would live. A wall completely made of glass in the living room added more beauty to the house revealing the huge garden outside. It was a well lit house unlike my room. I mean the room where I am kept trapped.

'What the hell Y/n are you planning to live here?'

"Do you like it?" He asked. I was debating on if I should be honest with him as I still need to get out of here, no matter how cozy it is.

"Yeah..." I trailed off giving him a hint that I like it but not as much.

"I still have to decorate this place properly that's why I didn't want to bring you here yet. It was supposed to be a surprise but that bitch ruined it." He pouted.

"Bitch who?" I asked.

"Tzuyu. I don't like her one bit." Okay now that offended me.

"But she is my best friend. We've been together since we were kids!" I argued.

"Stop being delusional she just used you so that she isn't lonely. Let's go check out the garden!" He said with a smile pulling me out of the house with him completely ignoring the topic.

The garden was way prettier than what it looked like from the inside. It was big and he even put swings for us.

"I thought you would like this." He grinned tightening his grip on my hands so that I don't try to make a move as we were outside now.

"I...do." I said hesitantly.

"Let's get inside. I still need to make you a pizza." He cheered.

I don't understand. I already love being here with him. He's so happy and excited like a kid, like all of this is so normal. But I can't be here forever. No matter how much I like it, I still have people waiting for me back at home.

Speaking of that, they must have noticed I haven't returned for so long. Are they looking for me yet? Or are the still sitting and waiting for my arrival?

"Y/n~" Jimin chimed from the kitchen while I was sitting on the couch looking at the beautiful garden from the glass wall.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I think I need to go get some groceries we're kinda out of materials." He whined.

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