{9} Rumor

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In class Tzuyu seemed to be a bit distant. She wasn’t focused in the class but she wasn’t sleeping either. She would take her phone out occasionally and check something quickly and put it back sneakily while scribbling in her notebook.

On the other hand, Jimin was busy flirting with me. He held my hand and never let it go while smiling at me sweetly and complimenting me the whole time.

"Did you fight with Tzuyu?" Jimin asked suddenly.

"No. I don’t know what's wrong with her." I shrugged.

"She seems to hate me already." He looked down at our hands which were intertwined with each other.

"She just doubts that you won't be able to make me happy. She's just scared for me." I tried to cheer him up.

"Guess you’re right. I'll prove it to her that I can take good care of you!" He whispered loud enough for me to hear and let out a smile which I returned in the same way.

After the class I was still packing my stuff up while talking to Jimin while he was doing the same. Just as we were about to leave, a girl approached us timidly and tapped on Jimin's arm. I was already burning to ashes when Jimin turned to her.

"Jihye?" Jimin asked and she silently hummed in response.

"About what you asked me-" she continued after giving me a glance and turning back to him only to be cut off be a nod from Jimin. She left as soon as she got the signal that he understood what she was trying to say.

"What was that?" I asked cheekily.

"Nothing. You'll know soon." He answered with the same sweet smile and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Excuse me guys get a room!" Tzuyu said pulling his arm away from me and pouting. "This girl is mine so don't try to make me jealous!" She joked.

I saw Jimin's face drop for one second and then his lips quickly curled up in a smile.

"Okay ma'am." He put his arms up as if he was a thief being caught by the police.

"Good! Now follow me." She ordered and started marching towards our next class. We followed behind her.

"What class do you have now?" Jimin asked.

"Math." I replied and his face turned sad.

"But I have Geography!" He whined like a kid.

"That means you get some time alone to think how to deal with Tzuyu and make her like you." I said playfully pinching his cheeks.

"But I don't care! You like me and that's enough~" He continued to flirt and I couldn’t help but giggle at the cute boy.

"Hey! I told you to get a room! And we are also getting late for class!!" Tzuyu shot at us standing infront of our math classroom.

"See ya." He said and pecked my cheek before leaving.

The teacher didn’t arrive yet so I took the opportunity  to talk to Tzuyu about Jimin.

"Hey. Why are you acting like that in front of Jimin?" I blurted out before thinking twice.

"I'm worried about you!" She immediately turned to face me.

"That doesn’t answer my question!" I shot back. She sighed and continued.

"Listen. I'm certain that Jimin has a past and you know well what I mean. It’s not about him being bullied or abused. Something's up with himself." She spat.

"Why, did you find anything?" I asked lowering my voice.

"I'm not sure yet but I will tell you for sure once I'm confident." She replied.

Tzuyu may be dumb but she is always confident about what she does. Looking at her doubting herself and her suspicions I got worried as well.

'What if Jimin is not whom I think he is? What if he's pretending or lying about something?'

All of us were minding our own businesses but suddenly we could hear footsteps. The teacher entered the class panting and looking extremely pale and worried.

"Listen students there is an important announcement." He announced almost out of breath.

"School is dismissed for today. You all can go back home right now and school will remain closed until any further notice." He declared leaning on his desk and trying catch his breath.

"Why? Is something wrong?" One of the students dared to ask but became quiet gaining a glare from the teacher.

"Pack up all of you and leave!" His stern voice echoed through the classroom and everyone started following his orders.

Tzuyu and I got out of class only to be met by Jimin. Tzuyu sighed and held my hand tightly as if protecting me from Jimin.

"Hey are you guys going home?" Jimin asked.

"Where else could we go? To the amusement park?" Tzuyu let out sarcastically but stopped when I elbowed her in the stomach.

"Do you know what's going on? Why are we dismissed so quickly today?" I asked Jimin.

"A girl...jumped from the rooftop." He explained in a low voice while Tzuyu and I gaped at his words.

"What? Who?!" Tzuyu asked.

"I don’t know much but according to the rumors it was Jihye." Jimin replied.

'What? Why would Jihye do that? She was looking fine this morning. What's going on?'

"Let me walk you two home." Jimin offered.

"No thanks. I can take your princess home safely don’t bother." Tzuyu said pulling me away. I could see Jimin facing the ground not moving an inch while getting I got dragged by Tzuyu. But I can't protest. Something does seem off but I don’t know what.

"Did Jihye really commit suicide? She's not the type though. She can kill but not herself." Tzuyu brought up while walking back home.

"I know right. They're just rumors don’t believe them." I replied.

"But what if it's true? She did come to see Jimin but he shooed her away. And the fact that we were sent home early..." She trailed off.

"So now you’re saying Jimin pushed her off of the rooftop?" I said silently not wanting to talk about this again.

"Y/n I didn't say that! Tzuyu raised her voice but cooled down when I didn't reply.

"Hey let's go to your house and watch a movie." She suggested changing the topic.

"Alright." I said and we walked back home without another word.

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