{20} Trouble

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I opened my eyes suddenly to be greeted by the darkness. A second later I could feel a hot liquid run down my cheek. I was crying again.

I turned to my left to snuggle close to Jimin but accidentally woke him up.

"What's up?" He asked in a deep voice indicating he was still half asleep. I shook my head and burried my face in his chest.

"A dream again?" He asked and this time I nodded.

"What was it this time?" He asked wrapping his arms around me protectively.

"I saw Hobi. We were laughing and having snacks while watching TV. I miss him." I mumbled.

"But he doesn't miss you. If he did he would come find you." He responded harshly.

"That girl earlier. Her name is Tzuyu. Hobi was talking about her in the dream." I ignored him and went on.

"Yeah? What did he say?" He asked. I could tell he was fully awake now.

"He said I spend more than half of the day with her and that he misses me." I said another tear escaping my eyes.

"It was a dream Y/n. It wasn't real. So stop crying it breaks my heart to see you like this." He rubbed my back gently and planted a kiss on the crown of my head. We then slowly fell asleep again.

I woke up the next day to find Jimin was not next to me anymore. Instead I was hugging a pillow. I started to doubt if last night was real. Then it hit me if Jimin was real or was he just an imaginary character in my head.

I had already started to think that Tzuyu was an imaginary character like Jimin said. But what if Jimin isn't real as well? I was lost in confusion when the door creeked open revealing Jimin. A sense of relief filled my body.

"What's wrong?" He asked coming closer to the bed and sitting next to me.

"I don't know. For a second I felt like you weren't real." I blurted.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

"I felt like, just like that girl and her brother, you weren't real as well. Like I had a character made up in my mind called Jimin." I explained.

"Y/n..." He trailed off. Like he was at a loss of words. He swiftly pulled me in and crashed his lips on mine. His arm around waist pulled me more towards his body so that there was no space left between us.

"You love me right?" He asked his eyes filling with tears.

"Of course." I answered and looked at him deeply just like he was looking at me.

"We are in trouble Y/n." He said in a shaky voice.

"What?" I asked.

"They found us Y/n. We gotta run." He said.

"Where?" I asked almost at the verge of crying.

"I don't know." He said cupping my face in his hands and looking at me lovingly.

"I'll always love you and be with you forever. Don't be afraid if you're alone. I'm always with you." He said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"What does that mean? Are you leaving me here alone?" I asked shocked by his words.

"Of course not. I just told you I'll be with you forever." He giggled sadly making me feel worse.

"Y/n! Y/n?! Are you in here?!" A loud male voice was heard from downstairs. I looked at Jimin afraid of what was going on.

"It's okay. You'll be fine." He said and rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I sobbed back holding onto his baggy pants tightly, the blueish veins popping out on my fists.

"Y/n!" I heard the door the bedroom burst open. I didn't dare to look at him. I held on to Jimin tightly.

"Y/n...my sister!" The loud voice echoed through the room as he came towards me and hugged me from the side shaking me out of Jimin's grip.

I opened my eyes to find that there was no one. It was Hobi who hugged me so tightly. Jimin wasn't there. He legit disappeared into thin air. I looked down and I was holding the sheets and not Jimin's pants.

"Jimin?" I whispered.

"Y/n snap out of it!" Hobi screamed at me and shook me by my shoulders.

"Where's Jimin?" I asked, tears blurring my view.

"Y/n. Jimin isn't here. Let's go home first okay then we'll talk." He begged, tears continuously rolling down his cheeks.

"No. He said he wouldn't leave me. I shouldn't leave him here like this either. He must be scared he's probably hiding. Let me go look for him-" I got cut of by a female voice this time.

"Y/n. You're here!" She screeched covering her mouth for a second but running towards me and hugging me real tight just like Hobi.

"We looked for you everywhere!" She cried.

"Are you...Tzuyu?" I asked looking at the girl and realising she was the one in my dreams and also the girl I saw outside the restaurant.

"You don't....remember me?" She gaped at my words. I wriggled out of their hold and got out of the bed.

"Tell me wheres Jimin! He needs me! He's scared!" I demanded.

"Let's go home first-" Hobi started but I cut him off immediately.

"No! The ones going home are you guys! I'm gonna stay here with Jimin he cares for me! He never betrayed me like you-" This time I got cut off by another male voice which didn't belong to Hobi.

I turned around and found Jin standing in the doorway, what he had said scared me to death.

"Jimin is not real." He said in a cool tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He's a boy you made up in your head. He doesn't exist in real life." He continued.

Sorry my depression always takes the best of me. I was sad and listening to Make It Right and this happened. Sawwy~

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