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November 5th

{Y/n P.O.V.}

I get back to my apartment, still feeling a mixture of guilt, anger, and sadness. I decide I just need to change and go to work to get my mind off of it. I change into a pair of black skinny jeans, putting my belt with the gun holster, radio, and badge on my waist. On top I wear a sleeveless navy blue button up with a black 3/4 sleeve blazer over it. I lace up my dark brown hiker boots, put my gun in the holster, and head out. The day goes on slowly. No interesting cases, just paperwork. Hank doesn't show up, leaving it all for me. Goody... Around 9:43 at night the station gets a call.

'This is Carl Manfred's android, at 8941 Lafayette Avenue. We've just returned home and found the lights on. There may have been a break-in...' I get a few looks, they all recognize the name. I immediately am on alert. "I'll go!" I volunteer. Two other cops had been sent out from the station, but I go anyways, I'm not doing anything important. I get away before Fowler can object. I know it's Leo. It's gotta be Leo. He's done something, I know it. I pull up to the house after what seems like an agonizingly long time, but judging my the missing squad car, the others haven't arrived. I spring to the door, but go into slowly, holding my gun out. I hear yelling from the studio.

"I'm gonna destroy you, get rid of my piece of shit sister, then it'll just be me and my Dad... I'm gonna tear you apart and nobody's gonna give a shit. You know why? Cause you're nothing, you hear me?! YOU'RE NOTHING!" It's Leo. I knew it was Leo. I rush into the studio. Markus is enduring Leo's shoves, and Dad coughs and heaves heavily on the floor. I'm conflicted between helping Markus and Dad. Leo stops antagonizing Markus when Dads breath weakens. I pocket the gun, and Markus and I rush to Dads side. "Carl, no! No, Carl, no!" Markus' LED is red, and he's crying. I don't notice I too am crying until a tear drips off my cheek. "Humans...are fragile machines..." Dad huffs out. "Dad! Daddy, no...please, save your breath, please. I'm going to get help." I lift the radio from my belt. "T-This is Detective Manfred. I need-I need an ambulance."

I choke on my words. "Carl, don't leave, okay? Please, don't go... Don't leave!" Markus begs. "Remember, Markus... Don't let anybody... Tell you who you are..." He says weakly. And then, just like that, he's gone. I freeze, unable to move. "No... no... Dad! No, please!" Markus cries. "Dad?" I whisper. "Dad!" I call louder. I kneel closer to his face. "No....no, please....Daddy, don't go. I need you here, please!" I sob. Leo opens his stupid fucking mouth. "This is all your fault... This never would have happened if it weren't for you two." He growls. I look at him in utter shock witch turns into utter anger. "What the hell is wrong with you! You killed him!" I stand, about to take the bitch down, but the two cops come into the studio. "Over here!" Before I can speak, Leo shouts, "The android... It was the android." I don't get to react as they point their guns and shoot.

"No! Markus!" Blue blood drips from his body. "No! You idiots! It wasn't him! It was Leo!" I hiss, pointing at the fucker that I am forced to share DNA with. Leo tries to fight as the arrest him, so I walk over and kick him in the balls. They slap cuffs on him. "You're not my brother. You're a monster." I growl. The take him away as paramedics come in. They take Markus to be thrown in a junk yard. Markus...Dad... My broken family. They put Dads body on the stretcher. I only get enough time to say goodbye by kissing his forehead. "You didn't deserve this." I whisper to him, my cheeks sticky with tears. I'm left in the quiet studio. What do I do from here? Where to I go? I have to plan a funeral. I have to work. I don't want to even think about it. I look at the room. The flecks of paint, the spatter of blue blood, the messy papers. What would I do with all this?

So many questions, and not enough answers. I don't want to think about it. I need a drink. I decide to go to Jimmy's Bar. I stumble into the bar, soaked from rain, barely registering anything as I sit in a random seat at the bar. I make a signal for my usual. I'm here often enough, making sure Hank doesn't die from alcohol poisoning. I'm not allowed to see the body until the funeral. How do I even do that? Being an adult is hard. I rest my head on the table as a drink is placed in my hand. "The hell you doing here, kid?" A gruff voice asks. I raise my head to see that I had accidentally sat next to Hank. I don't answer, just raise the drink to my head to down it. I make a signal for another. "Trying to get shit faced." I answer.

"Christ kid, you're starting to sound like me." I break. I use my non dominant hand to cover my face as I start sobbing again. "Wha-? That isn't that bad of a thing!" Hank tries to 'comfort.' I shake my head, giving a hollow laugh. "No, Hank. That not what going on." I tell him. "Then what's got you so messed up?" He questions. I just drink, debating on answering truthfully. Hank is basically my only confident at this point, besides his dog, but on the other hand he's not exactly the touchy feely type.


"I, Uh, I answered a home invasion call. It was my d-dads house. My brother broke in. My father had a lot of health problems. The scare was too much for him, I guess. He...he's dead. Then my brother blamed it on my dads android who was more of a brother to me then my brother, and now he's g-gone too." And here I go, crying again. "Shit, I'm sorry, kid." He makes a signal to the bartender who brings over another drink for the both of us. "I just don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know how to make the next steps." Hank puts an awkward hand on my shoulder. "You'll figure it out. I'll, Uh, help out if you want." I shake my head at his poor attempt, forcing a small smile. "Yeah, Thanks Hank." I take another drink.


"It's nothing Hank. Don't worry about it." Before he can speak another voice cuts in. "She's lying. She is experiencing high levels of distress. I suggest talking about it to release the emotions." I don't look at the speaker. "Fine! My dads dead, the android that was like my brother is dead, and it's all because of my biological asshole of a brother. Happy?" I growl, nearly crushing my glass. "Shit, kid! Why'd you lie to me about that?" Hank asks. "Forget it." The voice speaks again.

"Lieutenant Anderson, Detective Manfred, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were. They said you were probably having a drink nearby. I was lucky to find you at the fifth bar." I look at the speaker, and am startled. To say he is hot is an understatement. His chocolate brown eyes are addictive, his hair looks amazingly soft, and that body look like something to hop on, and- "What do you want?" Hank growls. "You were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators." Connor answers him. I growl in frustration. A case is the last thing I need right now.

"Well, I don't need any assistance. Specially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil' robot and get the fuck outta here." Hank snaps. I sigh. "Don't mind him, Connor. He's a prick to everyone. However, the role of an assist is not open right now. We'll give a call back when need it, thanks." I finish my drink, and get up to leave. "I'm going home." I get out to the curb before Hank and Connor give chase. "Detective Manfred! You're assistance is required. I would appreciate your cooperation." I make a sharp turn of my heel. "How the hell did he get you out of your chair?" I question Hank.

"Bought me a drink." He answers. "Right, of course....listen Connor, I've had a really, really," my voice cracks a moment before I fix it, "bad night. Please let me go home, and we'll talk in the morning." He refuses. "They need you on scene." "We'll tell those pricks I can't make it!" I snap. I'm about to run off when he touches my shoulder. His hand is strangely soft. "I understand you're distressed. Perhaps routine could help." He suggest. I look at him, then Hank who's looking at the road, then back at Connor. "Fine. Let's go."

Over our Heads {Connor x Reader (DBH)}Where stories live. Discover now