Chapter 4

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"I'm so sorry babe. I was literally half way through my makeup when she called" Abi apologises for the third time since she called me to cancel our night out

I laugh at her franticness "Abs, it's fine. Tell Hailey I said hello"

I can hear her groan from the other end of the phone "She had to choose tonight of all nights to have a wedding meltdown"

"Better her, than me"

Abi continues her rant about her sister, claiming that as much as she loves her, she loves the club just as much. We end the call a few minutes later when she pulls up outside her sister and soon to be brother in laws house claiming that the the old lady from next door is looking at her like she has two heads because her speaker was turned up so loud.

I glance in the mirror, unfortunately I found out I was being cancelled on a few minutes too late, having just finished my makeup.

"No point in wasting it" I shrug standing up from my dressing table, leaving the makeup on. At least I hadn't put on my outfit, my grey sweatshirt and cycling shorts were too comfortable to change out of so soon

 At least I hadn't put on my outfit, my grey sweatshirt and cycling shorts were too comfortable to change out of so soon

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I laugh to myself when my phone notifies me of a text from Abi

Flowers?! That's why I'm here to pick frickin' flowers!!!

I pull my bedroom door open as I type my reply but I don't get to hit send because my phone falls to the ground when I hit something hard

Someone hard

I glance up at Simon who's just out of the shower, clearly thanks to the fact that the only thing covering him is the towel wrapped around his waist. Simon grunts in apology but I can't take my eyes away the hard ridges and crevices of his defined stomach, where there's still drops of water dripping over

I wish that's what I was looking at

Small scars are dotted across his chest and stomach some more noticeable than others. Some fresh bruises and stitches are scattered across his body but the one that catches my attention the most is the nasty looking one that takes up the majority of his side, positioned more towards his back so you wouldn't see it from straight ahead

After a few more seconds I make brief eye contact with him and nod my appreciation of his 'apology'

Until now, I've managed to avoid Simon since Olivia spilled the beans without realising and I made sure to drink enough for the both of us last night in an attempt to forget the mortification I'm going to feel if he mentions it

Simons face hardens slightly before it goes back to the emotionless one I'm getting accustomed to. He rolls his shoulders and I expect him to keep walking towards the guest room

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