Chapter 5

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"She's such a cutie." I look up from a giggling Cassie, towards her parents who look look a mix of tired and amazed.

"She's also a serial crier. I swear she senses the exact moment Charlie and I close our eyes." Tammy laughs.

I grin. "Well you know if you ever need a babysitter, I wouldn't mind taking her off your hands for awhile."

"Thank you." Charlie smiles "I just can't believe she's two weeks old already."

"Time flies when you're having fun."

"Or sleep deprived!" Tammy adds and we all laugh.

"So hows everyone?" I ask. I take a sip of the coffee Tammy made me when I got here a few minutes ago. "I've been a bit M.I.A recently with work and everything."

And the fact that I'm avoid everyone on purpose, there's no way I can face them without my face telling at least one person that something's up. That I have a constant mental battle going on in my head, every thought having something to do with Simon.

Who I've also been avoiding, which is pretty easy considering he seems to be doing the same thing.

Tammy shrugs and picks Cassie up from her crib, which is positioned beside the sofa. "Olivias been a bit snappy recently."

"Why?" Guilt immediately overtakes me for not being there for my best friend.

Charlie continues when Tammy seems to hesitate. "Theo said it had something to do with not getting through to her brother."

I freeze at his statement. Normally my reaction would be caused by the mention of Simon, but now it has more to do with the fact that I'm part of the reason Liv's worried.

"I'm sorry Izzy," Tammys' voice is soft, concerned almost "I'm pretty sure she's been trying to keep you in the dark, act nonchalant, so you don't worry too."

I shake my head "I hate that I put her in this position."

Tammy flicks her attention to the hallway, when the sound of their front door opening catches her attention "Hello?"

"It's us!" Olivias' voice echoes through the house, and a few seconds later her and Theo appear in the doorway "How's the little star?"

Tammy grins and passes Cassie to Olivia "That's a good way to describe her, since she only appears to become loud at night."

Theo laughs "She didn't get that out of thin air, that's for sure."

Tammy gasps. "I'll get you back for that one Agent Williams!"

"Can't wait."

"Work has been pretty peaceful these past few day's." Olivia smirks, as she puts Cassie back into the crib and sits beside Theo.

"That probably has more to do with the fact that my poor stand in didn't walk into your office, to catch you two doing the dirty."

"That was one time!" Olivia covers her face, while Theo looks more than proud.

"And I had to spend the whole day washing the poor girls eyes out!"

I laugh "Liv was crazy back home, but you two together are on another level."

"Theo's fault" Olivia says at the same time as Theo claims it was Olivias fault.

As the group goes back and forth bickering, my mind wanders back to the situation at hand. I promised Simon I wouldn't tell anyone he was hear, I don't understand his reasons, and I can't force him to tell me, but I can at least get him to give his family some piece of mind.

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