See the Stars, They're Shining Bright (Everything's Alright Tonight)

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Hux insisted he join Yideth on her freighter once the command shuttle touched down near the black-and-blue shuttle rental once more. You were positive he was insuring that he had all the Knights on his Star Destroyer. No one was slinking back into the shadows.

Jeckhum, Kin Al, and Baltek were assured that their respective ships would be picked up when the Finalizer got closer to the Core Worlds. The Knights accepted the answer with some negotiation. You didn't pay too much attention to them since you didn't have a ship and making a deal with a traitor to the Supreme Leader could prove all for naught.

Who knows how the other commanders would react to the news that their supreme leader was dead.

You didn't know how Hux was going to sell Snoke's passing as a necessary evil. Maybe he would hang you out for the Order dogs to tear you apart. You had to be honest with yourself, you were a nobody and you had delivered the killing blow. Ren might burn for it as well.

You half-expected Ren to threaten Hux after both ships docked on the Finalizer and everyone had filed out. Hux met your eyes briefly, but you couldn't get a solid read on him, so you stayed quiet. The general left the docking bay after giving orders to the deck chief.

You and Ren were to be escorted to the med bay while the Knights were seen to proper quarters. Ren told the deck chief that the Knights would stay in the officers barracks. The deck chief looked momentarily overwhelmed, but quickly recovered and called in for a few petty officers to sort everything out.

The duffles were taken away and put on a pushcart for delivery. Before anyone even mentioned walking Ren and you down to med bay, Ren growled that he knew the way. The officer looked to the deck chief with unmasked confusion. You gave Ren a look and you tried to silently tell him that it would be best if there wasn't a fight.

"We're all on the same side now, right?" you whispered to him. Whether that was true or not didn't matter. The officers on the Finalizer didn't have to know you both were traitors in the realest sense of the word.

"Fine," he huffed at the officer. "Med bay."

Your escort saluted and led the way through the late evening halls of the Star Destroyer. It appeared as though it was between shift changes and everything was quiet before the halls would be swarming with officers and 'troopers.

In the depths of the ship, the med bay was hushed. Ren dismissed the escort after you were both greeted by a doctor and a med-droid. You used the refresher, were given another lovely gray med gown, and your neck had been smeared with a bacta-numbing-cooling mixture and wrapped in gauze. You were shown to a bed--sans restraints this time--to wait out your healing. Ren had been taken to the bacta tanks for a late-night dip; he had left you with a sullen look.

You wished you could be stoic and strong, but you felt withered and empty and oh so delicate. When you were finally left alone to rest, the privacy curtain pulled around your bed, hot tears blurred your vision and ran down your temples into your loose hair. You counted yourself lucky to be alive and that your trachea hadn't been crushed or that your vocal chords had gotten through the ordeal without too much damage.

Everything was okay. You kept telling yourself that. You were fine. Ren was fine. It was all okay.

You had been instructed to stay on your back, but you desperately wanted to curl on your side and bury yourself under the thin blanket. There was a box of tissues on the table by your bed. You plucked a few, dabbed at your eyes, and gently blew your nose. You stared at the wad of tissue in your hand and began to giggle. You really, really tried to keep it down by covering your mouth.

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