There's A Golden Age Coming 'Round

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Ren told you once he had comm'd who he needed to and engaged the hyperdrive that you were headed for Sacorria, where Lando lived with his wife Tendra. He told you it was a Core world. You asked if it was like Coruscant, and he replied it wasn't. The planet was quiet these days with a lot of forests and fields.

You nodded and then stared at him in the silence of the ship. You had spent days trying to get back to him, and now it was over. It had happened so quickly. There was some part of you that still couldn't believe it was real. You wanted to tell him that you had felt his pain, that you had called out for him, that you had missed him.

You opened your mouth to speak, but he blurted out, "Do you have an extra hair tie?"

You blinked. "Wha-- Yeah. Probably. Let me look."

You went over and popped open the crate to search for an extra hair tie. You knew you'd had a bunch of them when on the Finalizer. You'd left a pile of them on the narrow shelf under the mirror in the refresher. After a little digging, you found your stash scattered over the bottom of the crate.

"How many you need?" you asked as you stood and turned.

Ren was hardly a foot away, towering over you. "Just the one is fine."

You held up a little band, and he plucked it from your fingers before ducking into the tiny refresher. You frowned to yourself as you latched the crate closed once more. He was acting closed off and weird. Weirder.

From the open refresher came his muffled voice, "I don't think I can do this."

You wanted to smack your own forehead. You just gave a newly disabled man a hair tie. How was he supposed to put up his hair? Sure, he had the Force, but he'd obviously never used it that way before.

You told him to come out and sit on one of the fold-down seats which lined the ramp wall. He came out looking put-out and sullen. He flipped a seat down, sat sideways on it, and held up the tie for you to take.

You didn't comment as you came up behind him and finger-combed his dirty hair back. He seemed to relax at your touch, so you kept at it until he let out a deep breath. You found you could only gather the top half of his hair back, but that seemed to hide its unwashed state enough.

Once you were done, you leaned over his shoulder and kissed his cheek. You felt his face move as he grinned, and you slid your arms around his shoulders. He pushed his left hand under your sleeve to touch your forearm and keep you against him. You couldn't stop yourself from kissing his jaw and moving your way back to the sensitive spot just under his ear.

He quaked against you, but whispered for you to stop. You propped your chin between your arm and his neck and sighed. You were handling the situation all wrong.

He thought at you, 'I don't want... You don't understand. I just need--' "Fuck," he lowly swore.

"It's okay if you don't want to," you assured him. Maybe he didn't feel right with all that had gone on. He was injured, after all. You didn't want to press him, so you eased back from him.

In response to your movement, he latched onto your arm and pulled you against him. "No, I want you. I want it--you--all day. But if we start..."

It dawned on you then, because you had felt the same earlier, and you finished for him, "You won't want to stop."

He nodded and let out a breath in relief. "I missed you so much," he murmured.

"I missed you too, sweetheart."

Ren leaned to the side to meet your eyes. "You heard me."

"I heard that," you confided.

Pet | Kylo Ren x Reader | Precious Pet Series | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now