Our Hearts Condemn Us

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You could see through shuttle's cockpit windshield a vast mountain range. Every peak was snow-capped and craggy. The damp tundra which spread out from the base of the mountains was painted in shades of brown and mossy green. There were large patches of creamy snow dotting the rolling plains. A quick-moving stream flowed down from between the mountain bases to a distant lake. The sky above was a cool blue with wispy clouds gently floating over it. The planet looked cold, yet peaceful.

You wanted to go out in it since you'd never experienced snow before. You wondered if it was as soft as it looked.

There was no time for explorations or further study, though. The shuttle landed in one of the hangars cut into the largest mountain. When it finally docked, Hux led the officers briskly down the ramp and into the hangar. Ren led the Knights out of the ship. You were a step behind and to the right of Ren. It was an honored position, as you understood it.

You don't know what you expected the base to look like, but this wasn't it. The hangar wasn't clean and polished like the Finalizer's. It was older. There were ship parts and wheeled containers of scraps at different stations. The oil-stained techs, pilots, and miscellaneous personnel stood at attention while Hux and Ren were greeted by an officer in a heavy black coat.

You thought that plenty of scavengers back on Jakku would give their eyeteeth for one of those containers. It would probably easily feed one person for a month.

The cold air coming in from the mouth of the hangar was brisk and a bit of a shock to you. It prickled against your cheeks and made your eyes water. You folded your arms in front of you, tucking your bare hands in the opposite sleeves for warmth. The rest of your body seemed warm enough, but you didn't want to be out in the cold for hours dressed as you were.

You felt eyes on you, and not necessarily kind ones, and it took all your will not to look around for the source. You figured it was natural for anyone to be suspicious of, and want a closer look at, a Force-user. Like Ren, you didn't hide your lightsaber. Yideth had hers as well, but it was amongst her other weapons on her utility belt.

You hadn't been standing in the hangar for more than a few minutes when the two groups were escorted inside. The warmth of the interior hallway was a relief. The hard floors were a smooth gray stone with pale veins, and obviously part of the mountain. The walls had been left a little rougher and tube lighting had been set into the stone every couple of feet. Some of the veins which slithered through the stone shimmered like crystal.

In the most orderly fashion, both parties were guided down a few levels via a wide circular stairwell that was cut into the rock and each member shown to a room. Hux and Ren, being commanders, were offered bigger rooms or ones with more amenities. You didn't get a look inside, but you were next door to Hux. You supposed that was an honor as well.

Your room was like the hallways and stairwell, gray stone and glittering veins. There was a serviceable refresher next to the main door. You were glad you were alone because you couldn't keep the disappointment off your face. You had been hoping for an old-fashioned bathroom, like the one in The Imperial.

On the other side of the main door was a wide closet with plenty of hangers, a bank of drawers built in, and enough space for your gear when it eventually arrived. The rest of the room was plain, but comfortable. There was a cream-colored, two-seater sofa next to the closet. Across the room was a black desk, a comm/datapad built in at the corner, and a hard-backed seat. Tucked into the far corner was a single bed draped in thick white linens with a black nightstand next to it. There were no windows, but the drop ceiling was high and lighting coming from behind it seemed enough to keep it from feeling like a cell.

As you were taking off your cowl, someone knocked at the door. You tossed the cowl on the couch and opened the door to find a petty officer with a large cart in front of your door. He confirmed your name and started pushing other duffles and trunks out of the way. You assisted and took your duffle from the officer.

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