Promises Me I'm Safe As Houses

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You woke up naturally on your own. When the staff realized you were awake, a nurse greeted you and asked how you were feeling. It took a brief moment to realize you felt physically great. She smiled at your answer and told you that's what she liked to hear. She told you she'd be right back to check on your neck.

You crossed your legs in front of you and tried to ignore your growling stomach. You drank the rest of the water you hadn't finished last night, and it shut your stomach up for the time being.

The nurse came back with scissors, some cleansing wipes, and a metal tray for the used supplies. When the gauze came off, she cleaned the bacta mixture off and examined you. She reported that the bruising was gone and that the minor swelling had gone down.

You asked for your clothes, but the nurse said that everything you had on last night had been sent down to the incinerator. You blanched, but nodded in complete understanding. It wasn't because the blood wouldn't come out. It was because Hux was destroying all the evidence. You would bet that the stormtroopers that had been with him yesterday had been sent for reconditioning today. The only people who knew who killed Snoke would be you, Hux, Ren, and the remaining Knights.

The nurse tried to cheer you up with a hot breakfast. Everything was mild, but fresh--buttered toast, scrambled eggs, and some creamy sweetberry-flavored texturized vegetable protein. Instead of caf, you got a blue milkshake that was tasty and full of fiber and more protein.

As you were finishing up your meal, the officer who had escorted you yesterday entered the med bay. He was directed over, and you pushed aside the wheeled over-bed table. He came up and saluted you. You awkwardly nodded in response.

"I'm to show you to your room, my lady."

"I'm not staying with Lord Ren, then?" you asked.

"No, my lady."

The nurse came to you with a pale robe and slippers for you to wear on your march to the officers barracks. Your walk from med bay was a surreal one. People noticed you without looking at you. Conversations stopped as you passed. Steps would slow when you rounded a corner. Your escort seemed immune, so you tried to ignore it as best you could.

You passed the door to Ren's quarters on the way to your own. You didn't give it a glance just in case anyone would notice. You had to remain strong in the eyes of any officer. Your escort had you scan your hand for access to your new room. The small scanner beeped, flashed green, and the door slid open for you.

"You'll find all your things in here," the officer stated.

"Thank you," you said as you walked in. The door slid closed behind you, and you got the feeling that you were in C Hall in the detention center again.

The view was infinitely better, of course. There was the same wall of floor-to-ceiling port-windows like in Ren's quarters. Like his, every hard surface was shiny black. You didn't have a training room, though. However, you had a generously-sized refresher and fresh linens on your new platform bed.

Your duffle was tucked under the bed, and you got it out to unpack. It took a little time to figure out where storage was and how to access it. In the middle of learning the room, you uncovered the release-panel for a desk and bench. It had a removable datapad built in which already had a notice slowly flashing at the corner of the screen.

You pressed the notice and two messages popped up. The first, an all-personnel announcement of Snoke's passing and mandatory state funeral at 1700. The second, a personal message from Hux about a debriefing at 1300 in conference room A on the command deck.

It was just after 1000 according to the datapad, so you had time to finish unpacking, figure out where the command deck was, and clean up.


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