Are We Brutal Hearts That Break the Night In Two

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"We have narrowed Revolver's location to the Harbinger or the Vengeance," Hux started the briefing. "We have five of the seven contacts in our custody. Two of the contacts were fatally injured while in pursuit."

You wondered if you'd have to interrogate the other three contacts like you had with Wopece and Salam. You glanced to your right at Ren and wondered if it was cowardly to hope you wouldn't be the one. However, you didn't want him to do it either. You honestly wished that neither of you were there in the meeting, on the Finalizer, with the First Order.

"There is an all-personnel announcement of public execution that will be sent out later today."

You looked down at the table and bit your tongue to keep your face blank. You told yourself that you shouldn't be surprised. What did you think the Order was going to do? Slap them on the wrist and send them home? You had hoped that they might be sent to a work camp or just prison. They could get out of places like that.

"That shall lure Revolver out, if they are anything like the Resistance," Hux clarified with a barely hidden snarl.

You noted he hadn't said anything about not actually executing anyone. You had to assume he still meant to kill them, but wanted to give it double the effect.

"You here in front of me are agents of the First Order whom I know I can count on to play your parts."

Hux didn't say he trusted those in the room. There weren't many in attendance--a quick headcount resulted in twelve, not including Hux. He knew what the twelve in front of him were going to do. You found that ironic because you didn't know what you were going to do.

You had given Salam and Wopece their respective nightmares. Wasn't that bad enough? You supposed living with that would be worse than death. You didn't know if you could stand there and watch them die. But what else could you do?

"You have been sent an updated weekly schedule from your commanding officers." Hux looked around the closed room. His eyes were determined, cold, and flinty. "I suggest you follow the new schedule without comment to your fellow officers."

The officers stood at attention, put their fists to their chests, and barked out, "Yes, sir." You and Ren stood and gave a small bow.

Hux nodded back with a gloved hand on his sternum and dismissed everyone. You observed Hux as everyone shuffled out of the briefing. Hux was doing something on his datapad, but his thoughts were elsewhere. He was frustrated about it, too.

Ren stood by the doorway and remained even when the door slid shut behind the last officer. You were a few chairs away from him and almost across the room from Hux. You glanced at Ren--to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest--and then turned to face Hux.

"Don't," Hux ordered without looking up. It felt like he was talking to you more than Ren.

You didn't want to discount his deductive reasoning. He probably knew that you wanted to probe his thoughts and see what was irking him so much. You came around the table and approached him.

He put his datapad down and seemed to drop the facade of concentration. "We'll be departing for safer space next cycle," he said apropos of nothing.

"Considering the announcement's going out soon, that's a good idea, sir," you replied as you sidled closer.

His voice was irritated as he asked, "Why do you call me that?"

"Don't you want me to address you with respect?"

"You say it differently."

"Would you like me to call you Admiral? Grand Admiral?"

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