Life Is A Fear Of Falling Through All the Cracks

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No one was waiting for you when you came out of your room. Apparently, Yideth hadn't tipped anyone off that you two were leaving. You debated about leaving a note in your room, but you knew Yideth would be back to explain the situation.

You walked over to the window wall and looked out over the dark, misty landscape. You weren't there for more than five minutes when Yideth's door opened. You turned to see her with her helmet under her arm, but neither of you said a word. Like specters, unnoticed and silent, you and she left the building.

A different deck officer bade you both a good morning, and Yideth returned the sentiment and asked about the condition of her ship. The officer reported that the ship was fueled, the garbage hold had been cleaned out, and had been washed. You both thanked them, and they pointed out the assigned dock space.

You helped as much as you could with take-off from the co-pilot seat, but Yideth didn't need much in the way of assistance. You watched her work through protocols and checks before putting in the coordinates for the Ileenium System and activating the hyperdrive. Once everything had been settled, she turned to you asked if you were hungry. You nodded and replied you could eat.

She left the cockpit and came back after a few minutes with two bottles of water and a couple of meal bars. You opened the water and took a few sips before saying it felt like old times.

She smirked and stated, "You're stronger now."

"You think so?" you asked between bites.

"I do." She wadded up the meal bar wrapper and discarded it in a little receptacle built into the dash. "You should be proud."

"Thank you," you murmured and ate the last of your bar. You played with the wrapper, folding it lengthwise and knotting it in the middle, just to keep yourself from nervously fidgeting.

Yideth checked on the estimated time of arrival and commented that D'Qar was less than forty minutes out. That was just enough time to overthink and lose your breakfast and wonder if you had to pee again. She must've picked up on your thoughts because she stood and told you to help her clean up the lounge.

The lounge didn't look any better since you had last seen it. The piles of stuff you had created were still there. Between the two of you, you finished the sorting, folded the blankets and put them one to a bunk, and shoved the remaining food trash into the waste chute.

The hyperdrive beeped for pilot attention, and Yideth and you headed for the cockpit. Once seated, she pulled the ship out of hyperspace. In front of the ship was a half-illuminated green planet with a rocky ring surrounding it. Yideth set up the scanners, and the instruments picked up a signal coming from the shady side of the planet.

She looked at you with a grin. "Signal is coded."

"That's no farmer," you agreed.

She nodded and pinpointed the origin of the signal, but before she could get the ship moving you placed a hand on top of hers. She stilled and looked at you like you had slapped her. It was as though you had betrayed her without saying a word.

"You're going to drop me off," you ordered.

"No," she denied. "Fuck no. Fuck that--"

"Hear me out," you interrupted. "If we get captured, the Resistance will have everything--Kylo, you, me, your ship." You gestured around the cockpit. "This is the only ship the Knights have right now. You think the Pyke Syndicate will give them a ship to come get us?" You shook your head. "Jeckhum and Hux will never be able to leave the planet without owing them, and we don't want that. One apprentice is enough of a favor."

Pet | Kylo Ren x Reader | Precious Pet Series | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now