Mafia AU Brianrot (2)

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Questions asked by: skiddynoddlez

1. What group does N'Doul lead?

  His crew is made up of, Alessi, Oingo Boingo, and finally Chaka
- Alesssi was the first to join him and the rest followed soon after.

^ Chaka was in the assaination team but N'Douk said that "young men like you shouldn't be killing- but learning" and he offered to pay for school!
  ^ much like he did for Oingo and Boingo

2. Close relationships in Brando?

- Vanilla and Terence have something going on. No one really knows about it. Ice is still hung up on not being able to have Dio sometimes :( but T.D help him out with cuddles!

- Alessi ans D'arby are in constant competition to see who can get N'Doul first. Its a love triangle, obv , but N'Doul loves both of them equally. He just isn't sure they can get along well enough to share...

- Everyone knows about Rubber and Devo. They are the PDA kings of the organization. They're still in the dating phase though, both too terrified to comeplely commit even tho they've been together for years.

3. Who hates each other?

- Terence and Rubber Soul dodnt get along. Its hard to pinpoint when they decided to be rivals, but many believe it was because Soul impersonated T.D
  - he may hvae also stolen some of his dolls and melt them with Yellow Temperance

- Alessi hates Dan.  Its because Dan is the guy who constantly makes fun of how funny the other looks, and how beating up a kid is cowardly. They just, really fucking don't like each other.

4. What kind of capo is N'doul?

He's the father guy. Our man will go around the city and help out civilians in need, he donates regularly. Despite him being over-all respectful and kind you don't want to cross him the wrong way.

You will die. He isn't afraid to kill or torture in order tk help his crew. He cares for his crew above all other things, and evens losing a single one would wound him. This may be because there's so few of them... Not many people enjoy followings N'Doul becasue of his "good" nature

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