Apocalypse AU (Drabble 1)

48 5 7

- gore | violence | cannibalism

Two sets of stairs. One hallway. And then, I'm home free.

He repeated this sentence over to himself in his head. Taking a shakey breath he swallowed, almost choking at the action. He can taste the blood in his mouth still. That had been his punishment for sneaking out last night - raw dinner. The redhead gagged and choked, spitting it out onto the tilted floor watching as the red stained the pure white.

He had long gotten used to the taste of  human meat - but eating it raw had reminded him of what was beneath the seasonings. What actually sat upon his silver platter.

Kakyoin wiped at the sweat that formed on his forehead. He hadn't taken one step outside of his room. His body was trembling. Could he survive on his own? The outbreak had happened when he was merely seven, his parents had died right in front if him. He barely manged to get out of his house alive. After he had lived on the streets for a few days, Hol Horse found him. The cowboy took the young boy back to his master - who instantly took a liking to his fiery spirit. 

He was seventeen, now. His purple eyes darted back towards his four poster-bed. It called to him. The silk sheets and plush mattress, where a remote sat connected to an old game console he fixed up. He bit his lip.

The room was warm. He knew that outside, in the dead of winter it would be freezing anywhere else. Kakyoin swallowed. He tasted the blood again.

I need to leave. I can't live like this. Not anymore.

He placed his hand on the doorknob.
And stopped. He remembered Dio's words to him tonight.

"Do you think you can survive on the streets Noriaki? Then be my guest leave. But remember, I will wait with open arms when you come crawling back home."

He grit his teeth. Then, the redhead's knees gave out. Tears streamed down his face and he was pretty sure a scream tore from his throat. The guards probably mistook it as the sound of Fallen who got too close. The tile beneath him shook a little as he pounded his fists agaisnt it. His vision was blurring before his eyes tinted with red. He growled.

The tears ceased.
He kicked down the door.

Noriaki, ran down the hallway - and anyone who tired to stop him had thier life cut short. He slahed and clawed through the mansion leaving bodies behind him. He came to a holt at the large, double doors of the entrance.

He stopped.
They loomed above his head, causing a deep shadow upon the floor. He gulped.

And took a deep breath.
Before turning around, his head hung.

Not today.

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