OTP Answers (1)

83 7 15

7: Write a 300 words love scene for them. Starring:RenLed (OCs) Pleasenobodynoticeme

The musician combed his fingers through the other's hair, enjoying how the purple strands feel between his fingers and glided through them with ease. It never matered how matted the pillar-man's hair got, it would come undone into its waving locks easy enough. He began to hum the tune of his newest song, as his boyfriend leaned his head a little more into his lap. Led made a content purr-sounding noise that took the blonde by surprise. 

He giggled, "What was that noise?" he asked and Zepplin glanced at him, raising a feathered eyebrow. 

"It was me, indicating my happiness."he answered formally and he rolled his eyes a little. He would never understand Ren's fascination with his hair, but it wasn't like he was objecting to having his hair played with. He honestly was glad it gave him an excuse to lean up against the human, and soak up his warmth. Led listened to the drum of the muscian's heart tapping his fingers along to the beat, he liked to pretend that his own heart was pounding at the same time. Sycning them up. He frowned a little, realizing that it must be dreadfully uncomfortable to have a human equivalent of a luke-warm bath lying in your lap. The pillar-man attempted to get up, but Ren shoved him back down pouting. 

"You're not going anywhere,"he said with a smile, and he kissed Zepplin's nose making the male blush. "I want to braid your hair."

"Alright..."Led sighed, and he nuzzled back into the teenager's lap. "But only a few braids."

Ren hummed his agreement before he began to split portions of the the taller one's hair into three sections. He hadn't even finished the first one, when Led drifted off to sleep. 

17: What sense remind them of each other? Starring: D'Doul & A'Doul (D.D'Arby x N'Doul) (Alessi x N'Doul)  skiddynoddlez

*inhale* So, for both pairings what reminds the other of N'Doul is rushing water. Just. They can't help but associate it with their water-using lover.

 - Daniel usually thinks that the sound of the water reminds him of N'Doul. The reason being: the sound of the rushing water makes Daniel think about how power and strong N'Doul is in his own right, and how the blind man kinda fucking scares him. It also reminds him of the man's voice. 

- For Alessi, its much more the sight of the water that gets him thinking about his lover.  Alessi much more asoictes the sight because it really do be reminding him of how gracefully N'Doul moves around and shit. Also, the way the sunlight reflects off the water gives Alessi the impression of the mans rare smiles 

- What reminds N'Doul of Daniel is well, pretty basic but sweet - the smell of smoke. The scent of smoke will alwasybring a smile to his face, even if it's like - fire smoke, becasue D'Arby always be smelling like his cigars. Also, when he's in a completely new place and has a hard time getting around with Daniel, he'll use that scent to make sure he stays close. lowkey when Jotaro got up behind he got to smile internally at the cigarette smell on Joot reminded him of his gambler bf 

- the screams of dying children- okay not really. What reminds our blind-gay here of Alessi - is actually kinda strange. Its the sound of bells. the reason being, is that he knows that there are these little dangling things in alessi's hair which sometimes click together and that helps N'Doul identify him. ringing bells also make him think of his Stad and how it "reverses" the time of someone's life and when bells ring (often) they are saying that some passage of time has occurred . also Alessi dislikes Chirstmas (like a bunch of greedy kids getting presents and shit they don't need? of course he does) and MOST chirstmas songs are about bells 

16: If they broke up, what would be their oppions of each other? Starring: Giomis (Giorno x Mista)   JotarosDolphinDealer

-o h g o d. Mista would fucking hate Gio for while or appear to. It depends on the day. this guy wouldn't get over the breakup for months or even years depending on how long they were together. he would have a hard time seeing why they split up - even if the reasons could be something super obvious. (like if one of 'em cheated)  for a while he would be that petty person who trash talks the their ex but then texts them in the middle of the night with drunk nudes. i just think he is the kind of guy that doesn't fall very often - but when he does its hard. and after everything him and go been through --? holy shit it would be like kicking a puppy 

-for gio...honestly ? he wouldn't have any different opinion. he'd be the type to still love mista but no longer show it so that they don't do the whole "on and off" thing. he would 100% understand why they are better off not together, but he is also gonna cry into his pillow for a few nights stiraght. Giorno is the guy that says he don't love you any more but he fucking does even if you were to do something hella bad to him -- when you got this guy's heart you can't give it back and he won't take it back (also would in two seconds take mista back-) simply becasue once he gets to the point where he gives you his heart that he has locked away ... he don't care how much you hurt him he just NEEDS your love. 


Mista: [really cold and sarcastic] "...Why the hell did you kiss my cheek? We're not a thing anymore remember?"

Giorno: "Oh yeah...hahaha.... right...ahaha...my bad..." [internal crying and screaming]

>Here's two I randomly generated for myself!<

20: What is a promise they have made to each other? Starring: SteelHorse (Hol Horse x Steely Dan)

- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. okay. okay. as fucking dark and ansgty. promised to the other that they would NOT save the other's life. because of the business and the lives they live, they are constantly in danger and its a miracle they ever fell in love at all so that's the rule. no being a fucking hero. now of course...its just a promise and these kinds of thing are always broken 

- hol horse would be the one to break this rule if it came down to it. simply because,he wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of Dan's death knowing he could have saved him. Dan on the other had would live and suffer knowing he kept the promise, but he would rather lie the rest of his days in grief than force Hol Horse into living a life without him :(

- these two are just super fucking intense 

13: Name something they would never do for the other person? Starring: Jotahan (Jotaro x Rohan) 

- listen.rohan may not care for anyone else privacy or shit but his lover?is a different fucking story. not matter how ask, even joot himself he refuses to use Heaven's Door on him for any fucking reason. not even when  joot probs has come to him sobbing, begging for the mangaka to erase a few of his memories has he done it. now, in a situation here its like "use heaven's door on him or he dies" rohan will choose Jotaro's life of course. HOWEVER he will then spend the rest of his days miserably guilty about it. feeling like he took what his heart loved the most and made it fake 

- there isn't anything jotaro wouldn't do for someone he loves. he just falls that deep for them. murder isn't even crossing a line for this guy BUT it has to be murder for good reason, he won't just kill some peeps cause Rohan don't like 'em, he will slap a bitch tho. joot will pose naked in shattered glass for his artist lover even if everyone says he shouldn't do that hell.he's fucking eaten bugs. jotaro would die, kill, cheat and lie for rohan. wait - okay there is ONE thing he won't do. abandon him in any shape or form. like of Ro was like "if you kill me the whole world will be saved but if you spare me it fucking e n d s" guess who's gonna be getting snuggles while the world implodes? joot. 

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