Jotaro vs Himself: The Sitcom (1)

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Started as this and

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Started as this and....blossomed.


warning crude humor ahead 


3taro: [trips over something. realizes that's it 4taro] What the hell, 4? Why are you on the floor? 

4taro: I'm laying on the floor wondering when my pathetic existence will end. 

3taro: You need help.

4taro: So do you. 


5taro:[at any given moment] DOES ANYONE WANT FISHSTICKS-


5taro: >:( 

6taro: I'll have some fishsticks. 

5taro: Thank you! :) 

3taro: [mutters] tratior.


The Jotaros: [all lounging around sad and tired]

Kakyoin: [enters the room] Hey guys, I'm home-

The Jotaros: [jumps up and run at him like a bunch of dogs when their owner gets home] K A K Y O I N!


6taro: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions 3? 

3taro: No.

4taro: I do!

6taro: We know, 4.

4taro: I'm sad.

6taro: WE KNOW 4! 


3taro: Alright. Listen up. All of you are 10 to like 30 years Noriaki's senior so I BETTER NOT see you guys make sexual or romantic moves on him or I will beat you to death. 

6taro: What if he makes moves on us? Kakyoin is a weird guy so I wouldn't doubt he'd try something. 


3taro: Run for your life. 


Kakyoin: [sittng down on the couch] Soooo- you've been divorced for how long 6?

6taro: Over 20-ish years. Why?

Kakyoin: Are you lonely - 6? [slides closer]

6taro: [slides away] Um...No?

Kakyoin: You don't sound real sure [slides even closer] Do you need some attention?

6taro: [remenbers what 3taro said] 

6taro:[stands up and bolts]


3taro:[investigating noises he heard in the middle of the night]

3taro:[turns on the light in the kithen]

5taro: [standing there naked eating string cheese] 

3taro: what the fuck-


[Kakyoin & the Jotaros out together]

Waiter: Not to be rude but...why do all your friends look the same?

4taro: We're brothers!

Kakyoin: [smiles] And I'm their daddy, aren't they adorable? I really am a lucky guy. 

3taro: [smacks him] 

Waiter: [nervous confusion]


5taro:.... 6 said it's my turn to hang out with Noriaki!

3taro: [screeches and pulls Kakyoin close to him]


5taro: We cant date Nori, until he's 18...

6taro: We can't date Kakyoin period. We're all frozen in time. He'll be 17  technically forever. 

5taro:.... Shit.

3taro: Sucks to be you! 

5taro: ....fuck you!


3taro: bet

6taro: NO!


4taro: [doing anything]

Kakyoin: [slides into the room] So. freshly divorced?

4taro: Yeah...don't remind me. 

Kakyoin: Need someone to help pick you up?

4taro: Not exactly...

Kakyoin: Need a little fun time?  Get out of the house- maybe explore, [wiggles eyebrows] new things? 

4taro: .... I'm in danger 


3taro: You need to stop flirting with my future selves! They're all 10+ your senoir! 

Kakyoin: There are literally, four of you and you expect me to control myself? 

3taro: you got issues


4taro: [standing on the roof]

4taro: I'm going to jump!

6taro: No!

3taro: Do a flip!

The end, for now 




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