Haikyuu x JoJo

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Note: This isn't an AU. But a scenario where the JoJo's have to like escape the Haikyuu universe by winning the national championship

But qqtaro wanted to know hcs and postions for them so! Here we are!

- Jotaro: Middle Blocker
- Johnathan: Middle Blocker <bench>

-Speedwagon: Outside Hitter <bench>
- Kakyoin: Outside Hitter

-Caesar: Setter <bench>
  - Josuke: Setter

-Mista: Opposite Hitter
  -Jospeh: Opposite Hitter
   / switch when called for /

- Giorno: Libero

- Okuyasu: Defensive Specialist
So. "ace" just means someone that makes a lot points and has a lot of offensive power. It's not an actual position.

Joseph - would be the ace.

Now. Headcanons.
[Pardon is some fo the lingo is wrong]

So. Of course in the beginning they used their Stands (or hammon) and shit to try and win - but that kinda just got them pegged as "demons" and it never ended well. So. They all had to learn how to properly play volleyball.

Jotaro, has the most powerful serve. Whether he's using Star Platuim not.

Speedwagon can't receive for shit. Like - at a l l.

Johnathan shuts downs balls even from fucking Kakyoin (who is a master at ridiculous attacks)

Joseph predicts other teams plays: and then announces that he knows thier plays to throw them off. He also does his whole "your next line will be-"

Kakyoin and Okuyasu have thrown hands at other players.

Johnathan is the captian & coach (cause they don't got one not being a real school) he's real soft but he pushes them all very hard.

Giorno is a terrifying libero who comes out of n o w w h e r e and saves the ball and shit.

Josuke is known for setter-dumps.

Kakyoin's spikes has been known to break fucking faces. (He has also used Hierophant to trip players- but again, they stopped using thir Stands after realizing it wasn't gonna help them win)

Jotaro, Johnathan make up thier blocker wall. They don't need a third blocker-

Mista and Giorno perfected a spike after a libero set

Kakyoin and Caesar have a crazy wicked attack. Kakyoin and Josuke have a different attack on another l e v e l
- Speedwagon acts as the decoy often
   - and suprises everyone with the Ceasar & Him attack they got

Jotaro is their best receiver but can't pass for shit
-Johnathan can pass the ball like its a hot potato game

Guess who can't serve? Speedwagon. He is like the guy who can do one thing: but he does that one thing well

Okuyasu won't let that ball touch the ground for fucking a n y t h i n g. He's broken his knees and shit getting the ball

[Thats all I fucking got rn-]

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