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Here we go. Me being self-indulgent. Have some: Naoyuri and Jouta! Plus: new parent JotaKak fluff.



They paced the floor.  Those tall and board men made everyone else in the waiting room anxious as they walked up and down the tile floors. The other men, and families sitting there waiting for news grew more anxious. One soon-to-be father ended up breaking down into tears. Tensions hung heavy in the air.

Jotaro bit at his nails, trying to keep his breathing under control. He had faced death many times, but this, qas impossibly scarier. This was the start of a new era for him and his husband.  Would he be a good father? What if his child ended up hating him? Could he even raise a child?

Desire all his bellyaching, Noriaki was in much worse shape. The redhead had never thought he'd live to see the day he'd be married, much less, have a kid. The redhead ended up sitting against the wall on the floor rocking back and forth. A few people stared at him ,wondering if he had gone mad. After what felt like centuries of torture their doctor arrived.

"Mr.Kujo, Mr.Kakyoin- there's be something unexpected,"

"They're dead!"Noriaki cried out as he stood up. "They've died!"

The doctor blinked. "No! Nothing bad. The woman and the babies are healthy and very much still living."

Jotaro blinked, "Babies. As in, more than one?"

Kakyoin paled in the face somehow more, and he looked like he was going to faint. The doctor was amused by this. It wasn't the first time ultra-sounds had failed to pick up a twin.

"Congratulations, you're the fathers of two healthy baby boys!"


Jotaro held the small human close to his chest, cradling it with a gentle touch. He stared down at the baby, tears falling down his face. The child was sleeping in his arms, not a single care in the world. Noriaki was holding the other, melting as the child smiled a little at him. That didn't last long as the kid began to cry. The man's face fell into a frown, and he rocked the young boy in his arms making shooshing noises. His red-bang bounced and swung around with his movements. Jotaro chuckled to himself, knowing it would grab the baby's attention.

And, he was right. His eyes fixated on the strand of hair around his father's face, he reached up and pulled.

"Ow! Oi, you little shit!"

Jotaro shot a sharp glare at Noriaki who smiled sheepishly, before wincing again as his hair was pulled on.

"Looks like you have Naoyuri."the Joestar smiled at the small child in his arms, who was still sleeping peacefully. "And I have Jouta."

"Ow! How come - owwwww - the name I choose goes to the rowdy one - OW! Here you take this demon!"

Jotaro laughed openly as he took the child, he instantly began to cry after being taken away from his redhaired father. Newly named, Naoyuri geabbes at the air, trying to reach thethe shorter man who shook his head, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I am not holding you again." His purple gaze darted to the child, and he melted. "Oh...fine...give him here..."

A short-yelp of pain soon followed. "Damnit..."

☆Screaming Terrors☆

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" ths high-pitchrd squeal had been going on for quite some time now. Noriaki sat on the bed, watching the child run around it in circles. Jouta was being chased by Naoyuri, who held a non-threatening plush snake. The redhaired man watched inba state of half-annoyance and half endearment.

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