OTP Answers! (2)

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Starring: JotaHan (Jotaro x Rohan) qqtaro
2. If they could describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?

- joot would say: "He's a tornado flying through and destroying everything, before ultimately, disappearing and leaving calm behind."

- rohan would totally say: "He's a stained glass window, colorful and brilliant but apply the wrong amount of pressure and he shatters."
  ^i have written this metaphor before but I will fucking stand by it

8. What were their first impressions of each other?

- our marine biologist was: "who the hell is this fucking bitch? why does he think he's better than everyone around him? Oh my fucking god he's crazy. This guys doesn't hear anything anyone else says...kinda reminds me of - oh shit. Is he looking at me? Say something! SAY SOMETHING - dumbass - ummmmm-"
  - he thought that rohan was some overconfident, over dramatic and comeplely selfish little asshole who was a chaotic neutral from hell

- for rohan: "wtf is this t o w e r of pure b e u a t y 😳 holy shit look at his fucking eyes he definitely got some problems. Look at the way he tilts his hat thats cute. So hot and cute and - oh wtf he's realted to josuke? of course fucking hell.... he doesn't talk much huh? Well - time to fucking get him to open up cause I need an actual adult to talk to-"
- the very moment he saw Jotaro he knew that this guy was someone he would get along with. He also wanted to fucking piss him off just for fun and like most joot was a 10 in his eyes

27. Do they hvae kink/fetishes they share?

- ahaha. A lot actually. Their kinks run pretty much in sync with each other. The two most major ones: are definitely bondage and dirty talk - but specifically praise.

  - rohan adores giving praise to his partner and having himsefl be praised for his hard work. lucky for him joot wil fucking melt at being called a "good boy" and will gladly tell his lover how much he likes his cock SO they are very communicative during sex due to this and say all sorts of shit to each other
- the words "tell me I'm a good boy" have left Jotaro's mouth many times

- oh G O D rohan adores the aesthetic of bondage. to him there's no better sight then to see Jotaro bond up in a silky red ribbon, or rope or anything you can tye someone up in. he also loves to study knots and shit for his manga research so they go hand in hand as well as he loves the amount of control nondage gives over his joot. Fortunately for him joot likes being tied up and having no way to control what postion he will be fucked in or where his partner will touch

Starring: CeaJoSuzie (Caesar x Jospeh x Suzie) qqtaro
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?

- Suzie: she compliments the boys all the time. her favorite is to call them her "cute little babies" and they get all fkustered and embrassed and shit specifically for Caesar she likes to talk about his cute little birthmarks and Joseph his fluffy hair

- Joseph: everything. He talks compliments everything about his partners. From. Thier dimples to thier cute little freckles that only he gets to see. Ot makes Suzie turn unto a mess of giggles while Ceasar thier little tsundere this not to blush, cry and punch him

- Ceasar: their eyes. He could talk for hours about their eye colors and make them turn a deel red within moments by ranting about how he loves thier eyes and what they remind him of

6. What is/are thier love languages?

- Suzie and Joseph have word love languages so in the relationship they are the ones that consantkhtalk to each other about thier feelings. they're the ones thag play the game of "i love you more" . sometimes it gets on caesar's nervres how much they talk and flirt and shit

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