Interview Time!

197 5 86

|| italics is me, the author-kun speaking ect. ||


Can you take care of a plant? A pet? What about a child?

Nile: Do I have to answer these dumb questions?

It's in your contract.

Nile: Damnit.

Nile: Alright. I have a pretty green thumb, though, I'm not exactly a big fan of plants. Pets? I can easily take care of any kind of animal, I actually adore animals. Expect dogs. I can't stand the sight of mangy mutts. Kids...I don't think I'm legally allowed around children. Something about me being "unstable" and "dangerous". Which is fine by me. I tolerate them - but don't ask me to watch one.

Who will you take advice from? Who won't you take advice from?

Nile: I don't need advice. About anything from anyone. Next question.


Nile: I will take advice from my teammate. But you guys don't know him yet. Actually does he even exist-?

Technically no.

Nile: Well, count everyone else as people I won't take advice from.

Would you agree with the term 'guilty pleasure' ? Do you have any?

Nile: I mean, if you're ashamed of what you're doing then - yeah, I'd call it a guilty pleasure.

Nile: And I refuse to answer the last bit of that question.

The people want to know!

Nile: Alright. Fine. Be aware that it involves glass. And blood. Lots of blood.

Nile: And a Joestar.

Oiy. Giving away too much information now. Next question- What recurring dream do you have?

Nile: I hate this fan base. All they want is to see suffering.

Gore warning, for senstive readers. Also, I guess horror elements too.

Nile: ... Its one of my father. I dream of him coming home, and he embraces me into a hug. Only for me to find that as he pulls away, his face has been torn off - leaving behind only the skull. He's soaking wet. Water pours down his body.

Nile: Then... I feel a hand clasp upon my shoulder I look up and meet the blue eyes of that damned Kujo. He smiles at me.

Nile: And....then - my house melts away into darkness. I'm pulled into it by Kujo - and it doesn't matter how hard I struggle, he always drowns me in it.


Nile: No! Give me a break...

Next victim then.


Alright. Answer these questions honestly. No white-lies.

Saraqael: Mhm.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If you have multiple, what's your favorite?

Saraqael:  A stuffed animal? Do I look like a child to you? No. I don't.

Edgy. Anyway, would you give a speech? If so, what about?

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