Headcanon Time

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A bunch of random Hcs.

- Gionro and Josuke probs would get older and shot up to the heights of their fellow Joestars.

-Could you imagine Mista waking up and finding that his boss is now 6'7" and he is t i n y in comparison

-Okuyasu would beg a 6'5" Josuke to carry him on his back.

-Everyone is terrified of Gio now too - cause not only does he have his inmidation factor but he tall.

-They wouldn't be bulky tho. Only tall

-Giorno has fangs. Fight me.

- Kakyoin obv. suffered from depression  but he never cut or anything cause Hierophant was there

- Jotaro on the other hand [slaps all of you with my depressed!jotaro HC] had a rough time

-When Kak notices that Joot has been cutting again he instantly goes into protect mode

- He'll bandage Joot up and cuddle him. Watch movies. Romance the fuck out of him. Good stuff. Attempt to get him into counseling- and fail.

-Jotaro refuses to get counseling because: "I'm fine. Fuck off." He has this whole complex about his mental health that i won't go into the details about
>hmmmm maybe I should explore that someday- *slapped cause y'all sick of angst*

-Gio post. GW is as one would expect pretty messed up in the head. He be very cold.
-But Mista can usually get through to him. They be soft-babies.

-Giorno and Mista would play stupid muti-playes mobile games together when they have time
-You can't tell me they wouldn't

-Mista and Narancia and Fugo would get into all sorts of fucking trouble
They are the three musketeers
....they may have all three dated - *slapped*

- think about it.
Fugo - smart feral
Narancia - baby feral
Mista - dumbass feral

Its...it's perfect

- Kakyoin would teach all the boys how to play video games. Kak gets real ragey at games and they learned that quickly
-Jotaro and Polnareff will never try and cheat again

-While in the hospital healing from being a donut - Noriaki was every nurse's nightmare because he REFUSED to stay and rest

"I must go help Jotaro-"
"Sir, you can't walk-"

- he was an escape artist. Nothing the doctors did would keep him in his room for long.

-Polnerafd and Jotaro did a little program thing together to stop smoking
-it didn't work in the long run

-Avdol and Polnareff would live on a farm in France happily ever-after
-and you can't tell me they wouldn't

-Joseph uses the same type of soap Caesar used for his attacks cause it reminds him of the good old days

-Jotaro definitely has one of Kakyoin's earrings
-also the handkerchief he takes everywhere with him. He's cried over it a lot.

- Mista cries a lot about the others asn no one knew for a while
-Gio comforts him one time after walking in on his sad boi time and now they just having sad boi hours together

-as you may know but pt.4 Kakyoin would be feral as hell
-him and Josuke would be best friends and Jotaro would hate it
-okuasyu would ask Kakyoin for advice all the time cause he's just really reliable

-Jotaro and Rohan complain about Josuke together. Actually they complain about everything to one another

That's all for now! 
Maybe send in some specific hcs you wanna see for specific characters? Or just ones here you wanna see expanded on.

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