JoJo Ask Game (1)

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The World:
What part did you read/watch first?

Phantom Blood, the first part. Why start anywhere else????? You know, with Johnathan, William B. Zeppeli, Danny, Speedwagon, Erina, Dire, Straizo (?). I ain't no part skipped fuckers.
(I even fucking remember Poco.)

The Hand:
Which character(s) would you want as your Jobros?

Rohan. Is my number one pick,his ability is useful as hell not only for eliminating threats but gathering valuable information. And then, Josuke. Cause gotta have a healer and Gio's "healing" hurts like a bitch. I would snatch up Ceasar to be the glue/brains. Kakyoin. No explanation needed. Jolyne for our power-type.

Moody Blues:
What's your favorite moment to go back and rewatch/read?

(These aren't ranked its just a list)
1. Kakyoin's First Appearance
2. Yellow Temperance VS Jotaro
3. Ceasar VS Wammu
4. Avdol VS Polnareff
6. Johnathan VS Dio (the first round in the mansion)
6. Hol Horse episodes

Gold Experience:
Who is your favorite JoJo?
(Spoilers (?) for Pt.6)

And you can all fucking fight me about this 😤 . She is best fucking JoJo. Her Stand is fucking cool af, unquie and powerful. She faced one of the most powerful villains in the entire fucking series, and yes, she lost, but she kept fighting even when it seemed utterly  hopeless. So fuck you haters.
Also her design is so cool and she says "flat tiddie rights". She's sexy without being sexulaized like most woman in anime. A queen.

She's the daughter of the infamous Jotaro.
(Josuke is second)

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