Apocalypse AU

69 8 29

- No Stands | No Powers

-Erina and Jonathan are the parents of all the Joestars
-Joseph is the eldest
- Jotaro & Josuke are twins
-Holly & Gio are the youngest

- Furturitic Era (kinda steampunk tho)

This is what the world named the end. This was when the outbreak happened.

This isn't a zombie apocalypse per-say. Basically, scientists were messing with genes wanting to see if they could genetically make a human stronger faster ect.

They sucessed. You would gain extreme healing abilities, strength, senses, and speed all that cool stuff from what they simply called, "Hyper-Syrup". But - you lose your humanity.

You become violent. Animalistic. Lose the ablity to speak. And then - came the hunger. You would be consantly striving and will eat anything with a heartbeat.

As you can guess:
They tested on some convicts, but found they couldn't contain them. But.

The only way to kill a Fallen is by chopping off its head COMPLETELY for they heal too fast for a bullet to the brian to work. And for extra measure: burn the body and head.

The newly made Fallen escaped.
And bam. Outbreak.

To become a Fallen all it takes is DNA from them getting into your bloodstream. So, it is crucial to avoid getting injured AT ALL by a Fallen. Whether being bitten or scratched. Hell. If you have an open wound not from a Fallen and like you get their blood  on/in it - you're infected.

Humanity fell quickly. For of course the whole: bullet to the head not working. Not only that but the Fallen are wicked fast and strong.

- fast
^think horse speed
- strong
^ can crush your skull with one hand
- dumb af
- can't make plans ect.
- can't see well in the day
-semi-docile in the day
- rely on sound and scent mostly
-travel alone or in hoards
- make LOTS of noise
  ^growling, screaming ect.
- do sleep (usally in the day)
^ you have to be careful to not wake them up tho. They're light sleepers

Now: there two major groups of society remaining

This is an extensive underground bunker. Run by the Joestars.

They have food, shelter, medical equipment water and entrainment. Due to the number of people they keep safe though, they have to have frequent supply trips. The quality of living isn't the best - but its better than in the outside world.

A normal post-apocalypse shelter.

Ruled by Dio Brando. Its a large mansion, practically a castle. Filled with lavish bedrooms and clean floors. Full course meals. Everyone is dressed in the finest of cloths. Its paradise compared to the outside world.

In reality: its hell. Residents believe like thier leader, that if you give up your humanity willingly - you can't become a Fallen.

They are a group of murders and worse. Not only that but: they cannibalism. The fresh meat on table isn't pork. Hence the lost humanity.

To live there you hvae to prove yourself tough a battle to the death. Once you're in though: there's no escaping.

Dio will bring you back. One way or another.

- using a Tommy gun
- as well as his "claker volleys"

- uses twin-daggers
- also uses varies grenades (smoke, flash ect.)

Jotaro  [MC]
- uses a baseball bat with nials
- and brass knuckles
- carries a pistol

Kakyoin [MC]
-uses varies knives
- does carry a revolver

-carries dual pistols
-also uses a sword

- uses his prosthetic arm (which the hand heats up extremely hot - and can melt through anything)
- and a double-barrel shotgun

Giorno [MC]
- uses his fists (which are covered with golden gauntlets)
-carries knives

Mista [MC]
- pistols and more pistols
-doesnt have a short range weapon


I'ma make proper content soon-

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