You Can Hear My Bias

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Here is a collection of shit I've posted on my announcement board about JotaKak.enjoy: 

Jotaro having terrible insecurities about his body-type wishing he was more feminine/effeminate looking so that he wouldn't feel so pressured by society to be so masculine all the time - and believing that would make it to where he wouldn't be ridiculed for being emotional, submissive etc. You know toxic-masculinity shit. And just breaking down one day and Kakyoin just comforts him. 

Then Kakyoin spills how he wishes he looked more like Jotaro for the exact opposite reasons.The next day: Noriaki takes Jotaro out. Jotaro dresses femininely cause he wants to (kakyoin also helped boost his confidence) and slays.


[joot and pol-pol drunk]

Jotaro: Listen, I'm not a fucking submissive. 

Polneraff: Mhm, prove it. Yell "daddy" at the top of your lungs. 

Jotaro: Fine. It won't prove anything.[pauses] DADDY!

Kakyoin: [appears in the doorway] Yes, baby boy? 

Polneraff: HOLY SHIT! DUDE-! HE FUCKING ANSWER-S -! [laughing his ass off]

Jotaro: [pissed off and embarrsed] THIS PROVES NOTHING -!!!!


Kakyoin playing video games and completely ignoring Jotaro as he tries to get affection from him (romantic or sexual) is the funniest and cutest shit. Especially in a modern-au where Kakyoin could be like talking to other players ect. 

And he has to mute his mic all the time cause Jotaro doing weird shit (like moaning into the mic)And Noriaki just like, pushes Joot away/ doesn't even seem phased. Afterward, Jotaro would be all angry and pouty but:

Kakyoin, smiling softly: Oh, are you touch-starved? I'm sorry for ignoring you darling, is there any way I can do to make it up to you? 

Jotaro: [m e l t s]


Jotaro, drunk off his ass: You wanna know something? I would 100% let Noriaki impregnate me.

 Polneraff: [spitting out his drink] YOU WOULD WHAT-?


You know when like, small animals fall asleep on you and you get the feeling that shifting/moving/being loud and waking them up is a federal crime? that but JotaKak:

Like, Jotaro would one day just fall asleep in Kakyoin's lap. He just looks so soft and pretty, and cute and "ahhhhhh". kak just sits there not sure what he should do and decides that he shall allow nothing and no-one to wake him up. Like, an enemy stand attack happens and the other crusaders are like: "we have to GO, NOW" and Kakyoin just looks at them:

 "I can't I will wake JoJo.and that is a crime not even God will forgive. also stop yelling-"

and then they just lead the enemy to Kakyoin, and they end up waking Jotaro and get ripped to pieces for it. 

Jotaro learns about this later and takes advantage of it. he starts pretending to be asleep on kakyoin because a) Noriaki will not let ANYONE bother him and b) he gets free cuddle time without ever having to voice that he wants them:

Joseph: Alright, we're here at the hotel, everyone up.

 Jotaro: [is 'sleeping' ]

Kakyoin: I shall remain in the car with Jotaro.

 Polneraff: You can't do that!

Kakyoin: [gently with the help of Hierophant cradles Jotaro to his chest, and carries him bridal style to the hotel room]

Jotaro when Kak isn't looking: [give the others a shit-eating smirk and flips them off]

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