Ships Are Sailing (Ship Asks)

59 4 14

Starring: AvPol [Avdol x Polneraff]
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?

Jotaro and Kakyoin didn't care either way, anyways, they were a bit distracted by their own feelings.

Joseph on the other hand was the biggest shipper. He knew that they would make a great pair and honesty: he started suggesting they get together after a couple of days when Polnareff joined the group.

He swore he could SEE the chemistry.

Starring: RubberDevo [Rubber Soul x Devo]
26. Who would take longer to let go? Would they ever 'let go'?

Rubber. For sure would take longer to let go. He's just a very expression guy - anyways, he would have a hard time understanding why they broke up.

For Devo - he would be the first one over it. He's not a very romantic guy to begin with. He would think it was for the best.

Starring: AkiKie [Akira x Kiecho]
5. If you told one of them the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?

Kiecho would laugh. He doesn't belive in silly stuff like that. Soulmates? With a wanna-be rockstar who has no future and doesn't know where he's going? No thanks.

Akira...would be shocked. He wouldn't think that he'd match well with someone as organized and straightforward as Kiecho. Though. He would be like: "At least he's hot."

[Minor Nsfw]
Starring: Vanirence [Vanilla x Terence] 7. Would they ever hate-fuck if they were mad at one another?  Would they fuck after a falling out? 

Bold of you to assume their relationship wasn't built on hate-fucking.

Listen. These two don't know who to express their emotions real well, and they wouldn't definitely get into a heated argument. One if them would pin the other ready to idk fight them or something

And instead kiss cause they internally wanna say sorry and are big babies.

Starring: JotaHan [Jotaro x Rohan]
44. Who ends up yelling first? Do they always yell when arguing? Or not at all?

They don't fight. The reason being is that Rohan uses [Heaven's Door] to help him always know what Jotaro wants to communicate. Cause Jotaro has a hard time getting his piont across.

If they were to actually argue though, Rohan would yell first. The mangaka just - is really explosive with his emotions. Jotaro is more of slow burn.

Starring: JousYasu [Josuke x Okuyasu] 26. Who would take longer to "let go"? Would they ever really let go?

Neither of them.
They would never get over each other because of how close they were. Not only that but: first love? Who actually ever gets over thier first love.

Especially when its based upon trust, mutual healing and pinning.

Starring: YukaKoi [Yukako x Koichi] 1.Do they have a lot of arguments? If so, over what?

Sue to Yukako's personality they don't have any BIG fights but they'll get on each other's nerves about little things. Like a basic married couple. Especially chores.

Koichi hates it when she forgets to do her side of things. And Yukako hates it when he doesn't do it.

Starring: NaraTrish [Narancia x Trish] 21.  What's the thing they miss most about each other?

Trish misses Narancia's chaotic energy. He could always manage to make her laugh at something stupid he says or does. Not only that but Nara made her feel, safe and understood. Narancia was a really good listener- and he liked to ramble to Trish a lot too.

Trish doesn't get the same "vibe" from Mista or Gionro. They're more cold.

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