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Everything had happened a little faster than I think anyone could have anticipated. From Samuel finally breaking off the engagement with Carey, my peculiarly quick recovery from my illness. Nevertheless, nothing ever could have bothered Lizzie and I. We were in our own little world of sorts, not paying anymore attention to the surroundings. This day was a day in particular that I would never dare forget, lest I punish myself in embarrassment. This was the day that would, undoubtedly, be the happiest day of my life. Not a day goes that could make me beam as I did.

Lizzie had me cradled in her arms on the sofa. She held me ever so caringly that I began to feel like a child in some scenarios. This had become a daily occurrence. A time in the day where she would swaddle me in some way and we would sit in the silence. A sense of something that was unexplainable.

"Lizzie?" I asked her.

"Yes?" She replied. She moved her hand and then began to slightly caress me.

"Do you think of me a burden for you?" I asked her.

"Why would you think that, Edward? You aren't ever a burden. Not on me at least."

"I feel, no, I know that I've caused too much inconvenience for you, Derrick, and Carey. Especially Carey... I just feel as though I am responsible for those deeds, and as such, I've a guilt in myself about this whole scenario. I never would've considered the circumstances as anything else until they had died down, but something draws me into this thought. I can't stress enough the guilt and shame of the feeling of what I've done to you and your family. I don't deserve to be treated as you treat me.

"I'm not a person who can possibly bring anything to be good. I'm nothing but an infection, that poisons a relation to anyone I come across. I was fortunate enough to not bankrupt you, but I fear that the relationship that we have otherwise established has been tarnished by something like this..." I sighed. she let me go on with this rambling until she knew I was done.

"And what makes you think you've tarnished our relationship, Edward?"

"Surely you would think bad of me after this affair has transpired."

"I don't. In fact, I admired how you were able to come up with the things that you did. I never would have thought to stalk Samuel and Carey, be hostile against them, and, in the end, came up with the plan to break up Samuel and Carey."

"Yet, think about how much trouble I burdened on poor Carey. She was the one to be forced upon in marriage. If I didn't act out of turn with Sybil, I could've avoided this entire mess."

"Don't be like that... Sybil did those things to you. And if she hadn't, I wouldn't have you back. I know that the small trouble was worth it in the end. And you better not think otherwise."

"I know why you think that, yet-"

"My word is final," She said, with a bit of firmness in her voice.

I sighed. "Very well, Lizzie..." I trailed off. I was rather dreary after that, and she continued to caress my head. I thought about it for the longest time. Only facing the fact that I had indeed been mistaken. I knew that even though Lizzie and her family had gone through so much trouble for me, I at least owed it in my debt to not mope about the room in all dreariness just because of the fact that someone decided to kidnap me. I felt better after that thought, so I never would have expected my feeling of love to return so suddenly after that, I somehow knew today would be that day.

Nevertheless, there was something about that situation that made me uncomfortable, more or less from the guilt that transpired from me and my relationship with her.

"Edward?" she asked to get my attention.

"Yes, Lizzie?"I responded.

"Do you actually like it here?"

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