Chapter: 28

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The plan was to go there without getting noticed and do a surprise attack....yet when we got here bodies were scattered everywhere. Just what happened here exactly?

The scent of blood trailed all over the forest. These wolves were brutally murdered and left to rot. As we moved quietly, there was no sign of life. Were we found out, but how? 

"Is this some type of trap?" Asked Erick as he scanned the area for any possible threat.

"This doesn't make any sense though, why would that bastard sacrifice all of his underlings just to trap us?" I say as I pay close attention to one of the bodies that was left in a sitting position on a chair. As I got closer I noticed that this person had something in his mouth. 

"Emma get away from there" As Zavier pulled me back as a bird flew right out of the mouth. The small bird didn't make it far as it was shot by an arrow. We all took cover but we were met with silence once again.

Everyone searched for anyone who could have hidden their sent but all that was found was a motion-activated crossbow. I got out of Zavier's hold and slowly made my way to the bird. My eyes widen when I see that the bird that was shot was none other than the type of bird that person's mate loved so much. I pick up the small golden bird as I noticed a note on its leg. I took the message, at that moment I felt my whole world stop.

"Little bird it's time to fly back to your cage. You can no longer run mate for I have in sight something your heart holds dear. Can you guess, No? Here's a clue they have your eyes. You know where to find me my little bird. You choose who will it be?"

I quickly hid the note in my pocket. I turn to see that my mate looked at me as if waiting for me to say something. I took a deep breath to calm down and cover up any expression.

"This is the bird that his mate used to love. It still doesn't make any sense to how they knew we would be here." Why does it have to be me? 

"The area has been scouted. No one in sight. This bird is the message he left. A message that would only mean that he will come for you real soon." Zavier growled as he took hold of me. "that is something that won't happen as long as I live.

"We should head back and inform dad," said Erick as he patted my head. 


"We were so careful to plan everything out. He was a step ahead of us and somehow knew we would strike that base." Erick said as he looked over the papers that had the information on the base. 

"He was just well prepared he knew we would plan on going to him so he did everything in advanced to throw us off," I said as I remember the note. He did all that just to pass a message to me as if saying that there was nothing I could do to stop him. 

"Zavier, how are the kids?" I asked as I worry for their safety. 

"They are safe my love. If your worried that he can get to them you don't have to I placed our best fighters to guard them." He said as he held my hand to comfort me.  

Yet, he didn't know something I did. He has already aimed for the children. He was close to the pack and he knew that they are my weakness. I don't know how he watches us without us knowing but he is very close I know he is. It seems he is waiting for the right moment to strike and take me away.

The person he wants is me and I believe he won't stop at nothing to get to me. I don't want to put my family at risk. 

I must plan everything carefully before I leave to meet him. 

I look up at my mate. I need to ensure that everyone will be safe and that this time he may find me.

His mark is gone so it may be harder for him to find me but I will be waiting for you.

"Zavier I'm going back to the room. I'm feeling a bit tired" I say as I kiss his cheek. I excuse myself from the office and head to my room to set everything up.

Time is ticking. 

I must lower his guard down so when Zavier comes he will find me and help me defeat him.

Just please don't forget me this time, being forgotten was a pain...

In a notebook, I wrote the meet place. I know they will think that what I am about to do is foolish but my kids are at stake here. Only I know what he truly is capable of.

I quickly hid my scent before jumping out from the balcony and shifted running straight to the woods. 

The wind pushed me in the direction of the person who was blinded by the loss of his mate.  

They Called Her Forgotten (Being Forgotten Is Like Not Existing At All)Where stories live. Discover now