Ian x Reader- Ghost (Part 2)

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It should have hurt.
But it was almost instant.
As soon as I felt that car on my side, the pain immediately stopped.
I could see myself. In the car, front seat. I was gone.
But... I wasn't?
I don't know how, but I was still.. here.
Was I a ghost?
I could feel my shoulders relax, as if the answer I gave myself proved itself true.
I watched as the satyr who hit me cried out in horror. It hurt to watch. But I had to see how the rest of this would play out.
They called the police, and none other than Bronco showed up on the scene.
He saw me in the seat, then as if he completely forgot his duty he gasped out, clutching his chest as if he were dying.
His coworker noticed and pat him on the back as he sobbed, and I almost did myself.
My spirit sat on the top of the car as they moved the situation around.
Mom and Barley came down soon after, and seeing their hearts break broke my own.
Barley tried to get to my car, but the officers didn't let him.
Colt sat on the guardrail with mom and sighed once everything he had to do was done.
"Im so sorry, Laur..." he started to sob again.
My mom hugged him close.
I had never seen an officer on duty get so emotional.
I glided over from the car to sit next to mom on the guardrail, and touched mom's shoulder.
"Colt? Mom? It's me.. I'm here.."
She didn't see or feel me.
I watched as they pulled away.
"We have to tell (y/n)."
I couldn't imagine her horror once she learned I wasn't here.
So I didn't watch.
I walked.
I walked through the whole city. I walked for days.
I made it to (y/n)'s window after about 4 days of walking.
She was sobbing.
It broke my heart to see.
But I noticed her boxes hadn't been touched since I left.
She wasn't going to Willowdale anymore.
My heart shattered.
I knew how much she was looking forward to studying. My accident must've taken a lot from her to make her withdrawal her acceptance.
I watched (y/n) for two weeks.
I had to make sure she was okay.
She went to my house every other day to mourn with my family.
It was heart-wrenching, watching her break like this. I've never seen her without her beautiful eyes brightening up each room she was in. Her happiness was gone. She was gone.
She lay on my old bed, clutching my favorite flannel to her chest.
I saw my mom come in and talk to her, but I couldn't hear what she had said.
Once she left, I had to do it. I had to get closer. Even if she couldn't feel it I had to hold her close.
As I stepped closer, right behind her, she turned around, and to my surprise she saw me.
If she saw me... I had some unfinished business here.

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