1 The big day

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Finally the big day had come. Our wedding day. In a few minutes the ceremony was supposed to begin and I was just putting the finishing touches on my appearance. I was just about to put in my second earring and BF/N smoothed the last wrinkles out of my dress.

"Excited?" she asked me smiling.

"Very, but I'm even more excited about Adam's face when I tell him I'm pregnant at the reception." I took a pregnancy test two days ago and it was positive. Initially, I wanted to tell Adam right away, but then I thought it would be a cute idea to tell him at our wedding reception. When BF/N handed me my bouquet of flowers, there was a knock at the door and my father came in.

"Good timing Dad, we're ready." I was all smiles all over my face. But when I saw the look on my father's face, I knew something was wrong. Because the last time he looked at me like that, I was 12 and the neighbor had run over our cat.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Um... Sweetheart, I don't know how to say this, but, um... we can't find Adam," he says slowly.

"What do you mean, you can't find him? The wedding starts in ten minutes." I'm sure it was all just a bad joke.

"Well, we sent Kyle to get him, but he wasn't in his room. Kyle immediately tried to call him, but to no avail. All he found was this," my Dad replied as he pulled an envelope from his inside pocket. I took the envelope, opened it and began to read:

Y/N I can't believe you did this to me. It's over between us. You are a terrible person and because of that I leave it to you to explain to the guests why the wedding is cancelled.


That's all it said. What am I supposed to have done? I didn't understand what he meant. Was that just his excuse to call off the wedding? Just to blame me. No answers, just a million questions. Yesterday, everything was fine. What had happened?

Suddenly, from one moment to another, my whole life had changed without me having the slightest idea why. From glowing bride to single mother-to-be in mere minutes.

What I wouldn't give to know what had happened to Adam. He had spent last night with his friends and I did the same with my girls. When we talked on the phone before going to bed, everything seemed to be fine. I was racking my brain over this question but couldn't come up with a logical explanation.

After I stood there frozen for several minutes, reality slowly began to sink in. With tears streaming down my face I looked up at my father.

"The wedding is cancelled...um...can...can...can you please...send the guests away, Dad?" was all I could say. Dad came to me and took me tightly in his arms and then gave me a kiss on the temple. He knew me well enough not to ask me any questions at that moment and did what I asked him.

Everything that happened after that I perceived only blurred and fuzzy. As if I had some cotton balls in my ears. I did not notice how BF/N helped me out of my wedding dress or how I got home to my parents.

The last thing I remember from that night was putting a hand on my tummy and saying to my baby:

"Looks like it's just you and me."

Happiest day of your life, my ass.

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