23 Doctor's appointment

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I groaned and turned around to turn off the alarm clock, which made it very clear that it was time to get up. I felt Adam pull me closer again and then let his hand slide over my meanwhile 20 weeks pregnant baby bump. He waited impatiently for the moment when he would finally be able to feel the baby's movements. Ironically, this baby had the same calculated due date as his brother.

I have been able to detect movements of our little peanut for a few weeks now, but only because after my pregnancy with Aiden I knew what to look for. However, the movements of the child inside me were not yet strong enough to reach the surface where Adam could feel them.

Adam raised his head from the pillow and looked at me sleepily. He looked so cute, with his fluffy hair and tired eyes.

"Morning Mr. Cole. Did you sleep well?" I asked as I placed my hand on his.

"Morning Mrs. Cole. I slept real good. As I always do when you're lying next to me. And you two?" replied in a husky voice.

"Oh we slept fine too. Are you sure you're free to come for the ultrasound today?" I asked him and tried to smooth his wild mane with my hand. He looked a little bit like a lion.

"Hello? Of course I have time. I don't want to miss this. The doctor said the last time they could tell us the sex of the baby today, so I have to be there. Besides, I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again," he told me excitedly.

"Don't get too excited. With Aiden, it took the doctor three attempts to be sure it would be a boy. It is possible that this baby will give the doctor a hard time as well and then we won't find out today," I said.

"That was only because I was not there. This time it will work the first time. I have a feeling that it will," he said confidently.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me," I snapped and climbed out of bed to go to the bathroom.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," he apologized, but in that moment, Aiden could be heard calling for his daddy.

"It's okay. Go get Aiden," I replied and closed the door behind me.

When I came out of the bathroom, Adam was already back in bed and our little man was sitting next to him in the middle of the bed.

"Morning Mama," Aiden said when he saw me.

"Good morning my little pumpkin. Have you slept well?" I asked my son as I also went back to bed. He crawled up a little further and snuggled into the pillows. I took the opportunity to give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Y/N I am sorry that I brought up the subject again." Adam began.

"It's all right. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I'm just dealing with mood swings and hormones. Please don't take it too personally," I told him. I wanted to lean over to give him a kiss, but Aiden stopped me as he pressed his little hands to my face.

"Mama no," he said sternly.

"Why are you always so jealous, huh?" I asked my son and tickled his stomach. He giggled like crazy and kicked with his legs.

This time Adam took the chance and gave me a quick kiss, much to Aiden's displeasure.

"Bad Dada," he scolded and frowned.

"Why can't Daddy kiss your Mama, Aiden?" Adam asked the little one.

"My mama." was Aiden's answer.

"And you can't share with Daddy?" Adam asked with a grin.

"No no no." Aiden replied with the same grin. When they did that, they looked so damn much alike. And with my luck, the new baby would look exactly the same.

"Aiden, who is that?" Adam suddenly wanted to know, pointing to my stomach.

"Baby," Aiden replied after a moment's hesitation.

"That's right, my son. Today Mama and Daddy find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. What do you think, Aiden? Are you getting a brother or a sister?" Adam asked. I wasn't sure how much Aiden understood about all this. He just looked at his father with his big blue eyes.

"A truck." Aiden replied after thinking about it. We couldn't help but laugh.

After we all got ready and had breakfast together, we went to my doctor's office. The nurse had already called me and now we were waiting impatiently for the doctor to come and do the ultrasound.

The doctor came after a few minutes of waiting and immediately started the usual questions and examinations before finally asking me to lie down on the examination table so he could do the ultrasound.

It seemed like an eternity, all the measuring of the baby's developmental stage. I had little patience for it today. Adam stood next to me with Aiden in his arms. While Aiden was busy with the car in his hands, it was obvious that Adam could hardly wait.

"All right. Let's get to the interesting part of the day. Let's see if we have more luck with this little thing. If I remember correctly it took a while with your little man, right?" said the doctor.

"Yes that's right. I really hope this little peanut doesn't torture us like this," I replied with a smile.

"Okay. Here we go. We're lucky. The baby's in the right position. Do you really want to know what it's going to be?" the doctor asked.

"Yes." Adam and I answered at the same time.

"I just wanted to be absolutely sure. It's a girl,' said the doctor.

"Did you hear that, Aiden? You're going to have a little sister!" Adam said, sounding beside himself with joy.

"Sissy?" Aiden asked.

"Yes, a sister," Adam confirmed to our son and leaned down and kissed me with tears in his eyes. This time without being scolded by Aiden, much to our amazement.

"You may leave now. We are done for today. Please have the nurse make an appointment for the next examination before you leave. And congratulations," the doctor said and left the examination room.

"Happy?" I wanted to know from Adam.

"Over the moon! Well, let's go home. I got a cake. To celebrate the day, because we are married three months today and because we are getting a daughter," he said and glowed like the sun.

"You can't do this every month, you know? Is one wedding anniversary not enough?" I asked with a laugh as we left the doctor's office and went back to the car.

"Try me," he said as he winked at me.

"You know what? I already feel sorry for the boys our daughter is going to bring home one day," I said.

"Oh yeah, me too," he replied with a devilish grin.

At this very moment I felt a strong kick.

"Adam, quick, give me your hand," I said and grabbed his hand and pressed it where I felt the baby.

"Oh my God! This is it? She's got a pretty good kick already," Adam said enthusiastically.

"Yes. Already doing Superkicks," I replied happily.

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