6 Finding out

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"Come on Y/N let's go out again. It's been over a year and it's time for you to get out of the house. Please? It's time for you to live a little." It's been like this for weeks. BF/N tried to convince me that I needed some fun in my life.

"Oh, just cut it out already BF/N. I'm not in the mood to go out. Besides, I have to take care of Aiden. I'm a mother now, remember that. I can't just do whatever I want anymore. I wasn't a party person before and I'm certainly not one now." I tried to explain to her. Unfortunately, she was stubborn as hell.

"No Y/N, I'm not cutting it out! Aiden is five months old and the Adam thing was over a year ago. When are you gonna start living your life again? I just want you to be happy again. And it is important for Aiden that his mommy doesn't spend her life alone." she said. But I was still not comfortable with that topic.

"I know how old my son is, thank you so much for reminding me!" I replied snarky. "And you know damn well not to mention his name in my house. I don't want to be constantly reminded of what happened last year. It's hard enough being reminded of Adam every time I look at my son. Aiden looks like Adam, BF/N. Do you have any idea how hard it is to look at his face without thinking about Adam every time? I'm not ready to dive back into the dating world. My son is my top priority, my love life is not the least bit interesting to me right now. And I might never be ready to get involved with a man again. That's what it does to you when you get dumped on your wedding day." By now, tears were streaming down my face. 

BF/N came over to me and hugged me as hard as she could and tried to calm me down. But it did not help that I immediately had to think about what happened last year.

Two weeks later

Aiden spent the day with my parents. That gave me the opportunity to go shopping with BF/N. I especially needed new onesies for my little man. Why did he have to grow so fast? Just born and boom, a moment later he is almost six months old.

We were just back at our cars, which were parked next to each other, when BF/N remembered that she wanted to show me something.

"Oh, I almost forgot, look what I saw on Instagram yesterday. Isn't that cute?" she said while holding her phone up to me. It was a picture of a baby's shirt that said "Mommy's little Prince."

"Yeah, that's super adorable. Please send me the link. I really need to order that for Aiden," I said to her as she got into her car. She did it right away.

"There you go. I have to go now, but I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." And with that, she was gone. I wasn't in a hurry, so I leaned against my car and got out my phone to order the T-shirt for Aiden. I was about to open the link that BF/N had sent me when someone interrupted me.

"So Aiden, huh? Is that the name of the guy you cheated on me with?" I looked up, and in front of me was Adam Cole himself. The ghost of my past.

Did I just hear that right? Cheated? Was that the reason for what happened last year? Adam thought I was cheating on him. Was he serious?

"Seriously? That's the reason you left? You think I cheated on you?" I couldn't fucking believe it.

"I don't think so, I know so! You were seen kissing another man the day before the wedding," he said in defiance. Suddenly I became furious and I slapped Adam. Hard. He looked pretty shocked.

"Have you gone completely crazy? I didn't cheat on you! I've never cheated on anyone in my life. How dare you? And who the hell told you this bullshit? Who did you believe without even talking to me?" I took a step back just in case so I wouldn't do something I might regret.

"It was Britt, okay? She saw you and that guy. The morning of our wedding day, she called me," he said while he was rubbing his cheek.

"Your ex? The woman who actually cheated on you? The woman you claimed to have no further contact with? You believed a woman who used and lied to you during your entire relationship? Are you fucking serious? That fucking bitch is the reason why I..." I bit my tongue. I almost said 'Why I have to raise my son alone'.

"The reason why, what Y/N? What did you want to say? Come on, spit it out. The reason why your little affair came to light?" he asked in a challenging tone.

I was about to tell him to go to hell when I got a message. The phone I was holding the whole time was beeping and lit up. Without thinking that my lock screen was a photo of Aiden, I took a quick look at the phone to see who the message was from. Just in case, that my mother wrote because something was up with Aiden. In that one second I forgot who I was talking to and that he could clearly see the photo on my screen. It was just an app notification, but when I looked up again, I saw Adam's eyes resting on my phone. Oh, damn it. He saw the picture. And it was a picture where Aiden looked especially like Adam.

"Why do you have a baby as your background, Y/N? And why does the baby look like me?" Seriously? He couldn't put two and two together now?

"What do you think, Adam? There's a perfectly simple explanation for this, but it's none of your business anymore." So I turned around and tried to get in the car, but Adam stopped me.

"It's none of my business? Y/N you had a baby that is obviously mine and you didn't even feel the need to tell me?" he said as he slammed the car door shut.

"I was gonna tell you at the wedding reception, but guess what. It didn't happen because you left me on our wedding day. You allowed a lie to destroy our relationship. When you walked out on me, you walked out on my baby." I pushed his arm away and got in the car. With one last look at Adam, I started the engine and left him in the parking lot.

I finally knew the reason why all this happened. I always thought if I knew why he left, it would make things easier to understand. But the fact that he didn't trust me, that he actually thought I'd do something like this was more than I could take.

 And why did all this happen? Because of a woman that couldn't tolerate that other people were happy.

Last shot to redemption [a Adam Cole story]Where stories live. Discover now