2 An unexpected call

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A week after the cancelled wedding, I still didn't want to leave my bed. Here I lay now, in my old room in my parents' house. The only thing that made me leave the bed now and then was morning sickness. It was as if the baby reassured me that I was not alone.

By this time my family also knew that I was pregnant. But the pity in their eyes overshadowed the joy. You could not blame them for feeling sorry for me. Who would want that something like this happens to their child?

I was just standing in the bathroom staring into the mirror. The view was not pleasant. The eyes were swollen and red. The hair was frizzy and the skin pale and dull. Suddenly I heard my phone ring and went back to my bedroom. I took the phone from the dresser to see who was calling. It was Marina, Roderick's wife. I was reluctant to take the call as it was the first time anyone from Adam's side had tried to reach me.

"Hello?" I said after I took a deep breath.

"Hey Y/N. How are you, sweetheart?" she asked. I snorted.

"Seriously now? How do you think I feel? My fiance left me on our wedding day and I have no idea why. Plus he didn't even have the decency to say it to my face. Adam just left a note. A damn note Marina! And then he's too cowardly to answer the phone. In summary, you can say that I'm not feeling well," I yelled at her and somehow it felt good to let it out.

"Listen Y/N, I'm sorry about what happened. I really am. We've tried everything to talk to Adam about it, but he won't tell us. He just says he has his reasons," Marina replied.

"Yeah, yeah, is there anything else you wanted?" I didn't want to listen to her anymore. Just saying his name or hearing his name gave me physical pain.

"Um... I just wanted to let you know that the guys moved Adam's stuff out of your house today and that he didn't give a shit about what you were gonna do with the house." She seemed really sorry, but I didn't want to hear it. I got enough pity from my family already. It was already unbearable.

"Okay. Got it. I just want to ask you one thing... don't call me again. You can pass this on to any of Adam's other friends. I don't want any more connections to Adam," I said and then I ended the call.

I put the phone back on the dresser and sat down on the bed. Again I burst into tears. It took me a few minutes to calm down. I crawled back into bed and thought about what Marina had said. He had his reasons. Do what you want with the house. No answers. Just more questions.

I really hoped that they would follow my wishes. The last thing I needed was for him to find out from one of his friends that I was pregnant. Because I couldn't hide it forever.

If Adam felt he didn't owe me an explanation, then I felt I had to raise my child alone.

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