13 Date night

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"Did Adam tell you what you are going to do tonight?" BF/N asks me as I searched my closet for something appropriate to wear. I had a few options, but once again I couldn't decide. As always. And as much as I hated to admit it, I was nervous. This was my first date in...no idea how long. After the whole wedding disaster, dating was the last thing I was interested in.

"He didn't say anything, so I'll assume dinner. What do you think of this?" I said as I pulled a dark blue knee-length dress out of the closet. BF/N was sitting on the floor in my bedroom with Aiden. She kept him busy so I could get ready in peace. She looked up at me.

"I have always loved this dress. It brings out your eyes. So that would be a yes from me." she winked at me.

I decided to follow her advice and wear the blue dress tonight. While I went to take a shower and afterwards did my hair and make up, BF/N gave Aiden his dinner and got him ready for bed. What would I do without this woman in my life? I probably asked myself this question 1000 times. She was simply an angel.

"All right. I'm done. Is that okay? I havn't been dolled up like this in a long while. Is it too much?" You could really tell I was nervous.

"You look perfect. Don't worry so much. It's not like you're going out with a stranger. You still want that, don't you? That's the most important thing. And if Adam screws this up, my offer is still standing. You can tell him that," BF/N said encouragingly.

Not even a minute later there was a knock on the door. I reached for my purse and opened the door. There he stood and he looked so damn good in his suit.

"Hey." Pull yourself together Y/n. No need to be so shy. What did other people always say? Just imagine your opposite naked. Yeah, definitely not helping.

"Wow Y/N you look amazing. Wow...um...are you ready?" he asked. Well, he was nervous too and that made me feel better.

"Yes, I am." I said, but turned back to BF/N and told her:

"Thanks again for doing this for us. I promise you that we will not come back too late. If anything is up, you call me, ok? But I know that you have everything under control." She was with us so often, she knew Aiden's schedule by heart.

"Yes, I do. So have a nice evening and behave yourself. And Cole? Remember what I told you," she said, addressing the last part directly to Adam.

"I remember and thank you BF/N," he replied.

Adam had made reservations at the restaurant where we had our first date. I could not believe that he remembered it. After we were brought to our table and ordered we spent the waiting time with small talk. About our work, about Aiden and about everything else. It was really a nice evening. I haven't felt so happy in a long time. Of course my son made me very happy, but that was something else. Somehow Adam managed to make me forget what had happened.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk because it was not too late. We walked hand in hand through a beautiful little park. The trees there were decorated with fairy lights. The whole place looked absolutely gorgeous. Just like in a fairy tale.

As we had promised BF/N we did not stay away too long. Now we stood on the porch and said goodbye for this evening.

"I really enjoyed tonight Adam. And I can't believe you remembered this restaurant," I said as I stood in front of him and took his hands in mine.

"How could I ever forget that Y/N? And I really enjoyed tonight as well. I would like to repeat this as soon as possible. Well, if you would like to." he replied.

"I would really like that," I answered and stretched up to him and gave him a kiss.

Third person POV

I could not believe it. How could it have come this far? The plan had worked so well. Everything went as planned. Well, except for the child. But that was the least of my problems. It could be eliminated, just like his mother.

For the last three months I again watched Adam's every move and wished I had acted sooner, but I didn't want to arouse any suspicion. Now I had to act. It was different from what I had originally planned, but that would not distract me from my goal.

Adam would be mine. No matter what I had to do. It was meant to be. Our destiny.

Last shot to redemption [a Adam Cole story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora